Net-O-Matic desperately needs reworking

It’s working as intended.


get the parachute

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If only it were.


One of my favorite items in the game. Has a standard key bind on each of my characters.

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Personally I think this item needs to be BUFFED rather than nerfed. It should have double if not triple the range but should indeed make you immune to falling damage when used. If you don’t want to PvP then don’t have Warmode on, Warmode isn’t there just to give you bonuses, bonuses are there to entice you to turn on Warmode.

I think what you’re really talking about is Warmode balancing which is a separate issue. The fact that Alliance rarely have Warmode on is a faction problem and you should probably be talking to people on your server and asking them to turn it on so you’re not so horribly outnumbered. Ultimately PvP servers used to have huge battles over ganking like this as one faction got tired of being bullied and would suddenly fight back en-masse. The problem is that now when one faction is being bullied they can simply opt-out rather than needing to fight back.

The real solution here is making Warmode a more long-term decision that can only be activated or deactivated once or twice a week, or going the old Wintergrasp route and giving the outnumbered side some kind of buff.

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No it’s not


Nooo, never! Part of the fun is seeing people go splat!


Absolutely. If someone else ants to be immune to falling damage from the net, they can buy a saddle chute.

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I like it but instant cast would be dumb.

Is there a combat log thing so I can make a weak aura to tell me who shot at me ?

Good question, wonder if it shows in combat logs. I just make sure i’m not targeting anything because it auto targets whoever is shooting a net at you - gives you a small window in which to react/plan.

Also found this on wowhead " When I used the net from stealth (casting it does break stealth), the enemy player did not auto target me as it normally does."

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Yeah that’s right. I don’t mind the thing just if someone does shoot, should be able to see, without a doubt who was the villain :slight_smile:

Nothing is more humiliating when you get “shot down” and then the guy who shot you down either anticipated a 3v1 or something, and ends up losing or running away from the 1v1 :slight_smile:

War happened in war mode.

You have a defense: don’t fly.

The netomatic does need a change, though. It needs to be instant cast.


As much as I love the net, I think instant cast would be too much. The range would have to be significantly nerfed to compensate IMO (similar to the turtle shell from Legion). With the current cast time, it gives the target the opportunity to try and LoS, or take some sort of counter action.

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There is like a buzzing type of noise when you are being targeted.

If you are on your warrior you can heroic leap to the ground or hit a glider.

The only busted part is that you can be ROOTED (apparently to the air?) and then netted

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Sooo I take it that you don’t like my idea of adding a death grip to the net? /angry face


LOL, just make a DK alt like I did. Chains, grip, net > GG.

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Nope. Bad idea. Then you would have people sitting around griefing people. Why do you need it to be instant cast lol. Lazy :slight_smile: ?

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I love rooting people in the air from high up, then waving to them as I shoot them down and they fall to their deaths.


I did :grinning: and he’s the master race. :rofl::rofl:

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Netomatic is awesome, but it needs to make it work on druids. Annoying flying bird people.

If anything the range should be longer. There are a lot of times that my target’s have just climbed and out ranged the shot.