Ner'zhul Horde Reconnections

FORSAKENSEER, here. Tauren Warrior

Bloodsworn Pact

its forsakenseer, lol whats good

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No, ive been on a lot of private servers of all expansions, but im going to be solely playing classic for the foreseeable future.

I wonder if Walle, Tyranna, or if any of the beards will be returning. I would love to pvp against them again. All the hours wasted getting into BWL fighting back and forth. TM vs SS

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Hmm now that’s a blast from the past. How you been Tini? Hi Kielbasa!

I was just talking to someone about DPP the other day. I was wondering if anyone was still playing.

Seltius Undead Warlock
Da Plunderin Pirates
Just here for the nostalgia

Milkey - Tauren Hunter. Eventually name changed to Beefsteak then Crablegs, but that was BC then WOTLK. Man, reading through this brings back some memories. I remember getting stomped by a lot these names in PVP because I was terrible and a kid, haha.

nightsbane here, not sure Im coming back to play classic, but good to see you pal.

didn’t you abandon lemmings at some point too? :slight_smile:

Nah, I never had the pleasure to be in Lemmings. I think some of the Lemmings folks joined Disbanded.

My lineage is Ire (which was part of Months Behind Alliance) > Nerve (on Malorne) > Disbanded > Spike Flail > Incarnate > Local Defense > Last Word. (That’s from Vanilla through WoD.)

The only time I can remember JASC merging with another guild was at the start when we joined up Order of the Devil’ee (Vaprak and Co) and the guild that had myself, Nawls, Thraen and Shasper in it (and probably a few others, sorry if I forgot). Then there was the server transfer to Malorne. I didn’t play much after that.

Heya bro, long time. Message me. Shikatanai#1507

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Hey Mad, it’s Xanthus orc hunter in Vanguard. Which server are you playing on in classic?

Which server are you playing on?

Jazz! It’s Roac, Druid from Warmongers/hostile

I’m playing with Cognitive aka Ziki aka Memes (The twin brothers) on Bigglesworth.

What server are you on?

Name: Summary Undead Priest. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Xanthus, this is V, we’re on Rattlegore Alliance

Schrecken, this is V, we’re on Rattlegore alliance.

Gaz, this is V, we’re on Rattlegore alliance.

She currently has a wooden spoon sideways in her rectum