Ner'zhul Horde Reconnections

Hey Grimin, good to see you! Yep, Afflicted before Warmongers. I remember when we started to PVE so that we could keep up with BM’s gear lol…

omg this is the best

edit: are you going to play, and if so, where?


Hit me up if you’re able! I know we can find more of FoC/Rabble

So many memories flooding back just seeing these names again. I still remember Deep and Cheroba when I was in Death By Horde before joining Nightmare. I first met you all as Rakuen - Undead Priest before making Kuze (now Kuzé) my main.

I’m hoping to find my old mates from Nightmare back in the day!


No love for your guild masters Rawnak or Saudan? I’m hurt man.

I think I can get in contact with Seireii, Ryuji, Skyweaver, and a couple others.

Yooo, got some great memories of raiding with SoS. Sparrtan the druid (and later Vondill LOL) ninja looting in MC and then leaving guild.

Ode to Shpaza:

Your strength is a flash of hot white
No one comes close to your spell power
Our time ended when we were young
Come back; let our friendship flower.

Come join us on Whitemane buddy!


hey Rotting. I remember you.

I was Jaffar the troll rogue in Just Another Snake Cult.

I’m looking for other people from JASC

So much “That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time” in this thread

I remember Starman, that dude was famous for not speaking English and rolling need on everything lol

Oh I was in Ire too! Junna was my cousin! Shes the one who got me started

Neji! Dude! My wife (Mooncrest) and I played with you back in the day!


Suicidaman [Vanilla+] - Tauren Hunter
Uncyclopedia [TBC+] - Tauren Druid
Suicidanier [TBC+] - Female Troll Warrior

Guilds: Shack Force / Blind Leading the Blind / Disbanded (alt raids, heh)

My memory is really bad for the TBC period. I can’t remember how involved I was within the guild; I do recall dungeons/raids (specifically Karazhan clears). Your name, along with some others (Ravenight the druid, and a priest [forgot the name]) are fairly crisp.

I just hopped into the Discord, will have to try and refresh some memories.

I remember seeing him apply to a guild (think it was DBH), one question was about your character name maybe? His response: Because I like star, and I am a man.

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I’m just posting here because my first character still has this sick vanilla 5mans blues + early raiding gear setup. Quiver full of razor arrows and all.

a bunch of old dudes haha

Heyo, Vladzilla here. I’m trying to convince my wife to come back for classic with me too. You guys pick a server for classic yet?

Ogun Orc Hunter Here of Disbanded

And twink guild runner Dogan of SRS BZNS

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CHEROBA! Whats UP MAN!? It OGUN orc hunter we where in IRE, Motnths behind/ Resiliance and Disbanded together. Encomia says whats up! Long time no see

Long time no see man. Ogun Orc Beast master Hunter