Nerub-ar Palace Mythic, Story Mode, Raid Finder Wing 2 Now Live!

Lobstrosities. We now have lobstrosities. Watch your fingers.

Someone on the forums will get the reference.

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Lmao, he’s not wrong :skull:

It’s baffling to me that this is so hard to find and that this quest line is not part of the campaign tab in the quest log. At any rate, thanks for posting this.

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Does story mode have a item level requirement or you can wear quest gear and do it?

The spider theme is creepy. Why does WoW never update their graphics? Even on Ultra settings RTX 4090 it looks like it did 15 years ago.

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ROCK LOBSTER should be the only background music the game plays when near Nerubians with arachnophobia mode enabled

“Death, but not for you, gunslinger.”

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I didn’t see any indication of ilvl requirement, though I have a bit on the higher ilvl side, so not sure.

One of my characters had it’s great vault available (an alt) but my main has nothing available to be selected? I’ve made a ticket

Heyyyyyy…This article has 0 relevance to anyone who pvp’s…

Good job on making vault 0 interest to players who pvp.

As someone who really only pvps, but would occasionally log in to pve I hardly log on now.

Seeing as the pve gear and PVP gear cant lend to one anothers usefulness.

Story mode was cool, I really liked being able to take my time and see the cut scene without doing LFR etc. I’d love for more story elements to be done this way. I could really see the potential in making the player feel more involved in the story with this kinda thing.

Would have been a super cool experience if it kinda walked you through some more mechanics too.

Everything felt pretty smooth. Kinda left me wanting more and that’s a W.

Also some of the dialogue in there was COLD. I’d pay a lot more attention to the story if more of it was done this way. Up to this point, Anduin and Alleria have been ruining the story for me.

Would definitely like more solo / small group scaled story driven content. Felt much more intimate without 15 people with main character syndrome all on discord with live mics trying to stream on twitch, talking over eachother to the like 3 people in their twitch chat over the raid leader and wasting an hour of your consumables so they can brag about how strong their PC is, or kill the vibe with their awful takes on current events/politics.

… or doing it in LFR where nobody cares if it’s your first time in there and they just drag you through the content kicking and screaming as fast as possible while making a mockery of as many mechanics as possible – then try to flame everyone else when you wipe 12 times lol.

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