What are you even typing? Most pink parsers avg pink parses. It’s not “mostly luck” you just get a group of normal people and form a normal raid comp then do the fight. If u do that you’re instantly a purple parse avg.
what are you smoking? Is ret a real pve spec? Boomkin is #1 right now, is that a real PVE spec? clueless
smitepriest has always been an alternative way for a HEALER to output some more damage. Right now in SoD hunter can ranged, 1h melee, 2h melee, and all talent trees are viable. Rogue can be great in PVE and PVP with all 3 talent trees. Arms is a real spec, and right now in Cata its great along with Sub rogue and Ele shaman in PVE.
Why it does less dmg than tanks and healers in SoD is because Aggrend hates warrior, simple as that.
I played ele in WotLK. it was fine. Middle upper pack early on, bottom at last phase but mostly because of mobility problems, which they went overkill on fixing in Cata. Could do great dps on Saurfang. Was amazing in PVP. Was great for all other game activities. DPS gap wasnt gamechanging, brought great utility. It was totally fine. If you are a strong overall class you dont have to be #1 in raid. If youre like fury though and total poo outside of raid, and youre also bad in raid… then youre kinda pointless.
100th is the most extreme and pointless outlier, top 100 is almost all obscene rng or cheese, 99th is getting a little more useful but still very extraneous. 95th is really the cap of relevant data for top end, with 90 being solid. Reading 99th, 80th, and 50th are all valuable it seeing how things shift. If 30,000 ppl parse, and classes were split roughly equally (split 9 ways), top 1% is barely over 30 ppl lol. Looking at actual WCL parse count the top 1% is typically about 50 ppl. Over 80% of SoD players don’t play anymore.
I never understood this mentality of “anyone at the top of dps meters must be overpowered and needs nerfs”
there’s always going to be someone at the top
Blizzard is so close with pvp balance. Just fix the following;
Hunters spammable kill shot. Delete this from pvp.
Boomkin remove starfall from pvp, make it only usable in pve.
Rogues remove spammable backstab/ambush procs. Make hemo fun again.
Shamans delete tank runes for pvp.
Warriors buff MS
Mages delete the icelance spam and making casting hit harder. I cry a little inside when spellfrost hits for 550. =(
Locks hardly fight them to find them annoying. lol (I will add that lifedrain green line pisses me off). lol
Rets are fine leave them alone.
SP are ok too. maybe give them dispersion at the trainer.
Healers just nerf their healing down to 20%.
Arms is balanced around pvp. You are clueless. Talking about how you think smite priest is how healers do dmg as if ur not running 2 heals rn in aq20. Just 1 disc 1 frost mage. They can’t make arms strong in pve without making them busted in pvp. That’s why it’s not a “real” pve spec. Because it’s not balanced to be
This is spot on. The only Issue with removing Ice Lance spam and increasing cast damage is that it’s pretty much impossible to cast in SoD. The only thing I can see that would work is remove pushback, not getting locked in Arcane, but only frost with Spellfrost Bolt (Insane to be locked in 2 schools) reduce casting to 2 seconds and SFB has to work with range talent.
I’ve been playing my undergeared mage the last few days and I havent have any issues getting casts off. Its just that they tickle… 550 Spellfrost! ouch… Though moving it down to 2sec cast would be nice.
I do feel like a god when frost orb is up and I can spam those ice lances. Its just I hate that play style.
i dont really go here anymore but i just think it’s hilarious to ask for nerfs to specs that historically were completely ignored in vanilla
Sounds like justice to me. Why do warriors always have to be top?
it shouldnt be hybrids/healers with high survivability, utility, and insane PVP strength. that’s how you ruin the game for everyone else. Also it removes all strategy and decision making from the game.
No, its not. The devs themselves said its useless and not being updated in SoD. Frost mage, Sub rogue, and many other “traditionally pvp” specs can triple Arms output. Arms is just not updated and obsolete in SoD. It’s not balanced around anything. It does half the damage it should.
Justice for what? Locks, rogues, and mages have been overpowered or top in some way for the last 20 years. Warrior has not. In classic, raid and world buffs enabled them to remove -19% hit penalty and glancing blows in a game where most dmg was auto attack (think about how strong edgemasters are despite giving only a fraction of that power). And none of this power carried over into PVP. Rogues weren’t that far behind in raid but were way better in all other game activities. What kind of logic is this? lol.
Actually using your logic of prior strength, warrior should be at top, but thats silly logic.
The logic why fury should be at the top of raid dps is theyre entirely built around ramping raid damage and they dont have any other use in the game. Currently, in SoD, they have been at the bottom of the damage meter in raid. Using the same sims the devs used, in BWL, if you got a fury to do within 2% of shadowpriest, then outside of raid a shadowpriest would do 300% fury dps. This is game breaking, and makes warrior obsolete, because you cant do anything. You cant heal. You have low utility. Cant cleanse. Can’t bubble, cant barkskin. Shield wall stops all your dmg and prevents a dps cooldown from being used. Youre the worst damage in raid and then outside of raid youre barely 1/3rd of another class? whats the point? Even if warrior was currently scaled to be top raid dps, its still half a player or worse outside of raid but at least you’d have some niche or role that made the class have a point in the game.
This has to be the first time in the whole lifespan of sod forum, that a shaman has said something based
Remain like this King
Couldnt have said it better. Warriors live in the killzone and they neither have the ability to do dmg in that killzone or survive longer than 2-3 gcds if theyre lucky.
Theyre just decoration
Fury warrior is completely middle of the pact for damage. It just seems like u want to go play classic where warrior is king. With anniversary servers you can. Why are u complaining about sod. Also meat hook and 50% heal cut is pretty massive in pvp also having the ability to spell reflect. Warriors are performing fine. Just not top tier and not the spec u prefer. Yet arms can clear all the content in the game. Taking an arms war isn’t going to stop u from doing all of AQ hardmode. If u want warrior to be top tier in classic content, then go to the anniversary realms. I don’t see locks crying over destruction or rogues crying over sub being weak. Just warrior players upset they aren’t the kings anymore.
goes to WCL, goes to overall, goes to 90th, looks at bottom and funds fury warrior, only doing better than combat/destro and enhance, with enhance being the only solely dps focused spec worse than it. okay, lets go to the most tank and spank fight huhuran, and it is now only a few pixels better, now with ret paladin and BM hunter just slightly less.
And this is with 1.5 min deathwish, world buffs, 0 armor target, etc. Remember, during BWL simming and dev interaction, when Spriest simmed within 2% of fury in raid, it simmed 300% of fury outside of raid. So fury is strictly a raid-ramping spec with no other value in the game, and even after the latest round of buffs, its still at the bottom.
sure doesnt seem to matter for rogues, who also have a 50% heal cut. Also being ranged, ignoring all armor, being ABLE to heal at all, being able to chain stun players, dispel ppl, etc are all extremely valuable too but this doesnt cost any of these other classes anything for some reason. Hybrids, which have insane overall power outside of just damage, are also the best damage in raid with world buffs, and multitudes better outside of raid because of how they scale less in raid (but theyre still the best in raid).
They double Arms damage, so it would be pretty pointless to cry when another spec isnt getting help despite doing half the damage.
rogue/lock/mage has been king for 20 years. In classic, rogue was overall king. #2 in raid but not by much, and #1 at literally every other activity. Outside-of-raid dps, questing, dungeons, pvp, can stealth, farms, etc. For warrior, raid and world buffs allowing heroic strike spam, which removed -19% hit penalty and glancing blows, is what made fury good in raid. Outside of raid they were pretty bad and Arms was always a mid to bad spec, but the gaps in classic were far smaller than in SoD. The gap from a Ret in raid to a BiS fury warrior was only 70%, whereas in SoD the gap from top to bottom is 120%. And outside of raid, in classic, all the classes were in a much more narrow delta, whereas in SoD its over 400% gaps.
Its obvious from the moment they memed on warriors at blizzcon and also gave buffs to ret and feral in Wotlk but not warrior that the future of warrior in SoD was going to be bad. Its very intentional they give warrior the worst deck of cards in SoD.
Warlock op in classic? Go check logs u only brought locks for CoR and CoE. U also only brought 1 rogue for iea in classic. Furry is completely fine. Besides probably needs slight buffs. Once again if u want op warrior go play classic where every raid brought 25 of them. That version exists. So to sit here and cry about warrior being weak when a version all about warrior exists.
It always makes me laugh when people use hybrid as an excuse. What hybrid players do you know that dps and do any meaningful healing whilst even doing avg dps. NONE of those pumpers at the top of the meters are doing any healing in those fights. Theyre doing a dps rotation in a dps spec. I remember our raid tried a restokin once and both the dmg and healing combined was atrocious haha. Your hybrid complaint holds no merit trust me lol. The only environment where hybrid has merit is pvp.
I’m sure I missed something but… As far as I can remember rogue can’t reduce healing by 50%.
Did the devs change something?
hes talking about wound poison which also takes stacking and has a huge trade off