Nerf Spear

You are a BG hero this expac…you have no opinion on arenas right now. Go defend Spear in the BG forums where you belong lol.

Most defensive have longer cooldowns than spear does

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I’m sorry. Is spear coded to function entirely differently in arena?

If you can’t tell me the differences between a 3s match and a random BG I don’t think we’ll find common ground here.

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Abom Limb grips each player once, period. It cannot grip the same player multiple times anymore. This is what Spear should be doing.


you are working very hard to dodge the point. The ability works the exact same way in both. You don’t actually have a solid point. You’re just mad that you can’t move with complete freedom at all times. It’s not even hard CC. Get over it.

You’re a very emotional person.


you make no sense. you have to stand in your own spear, it would be pointless if it only held targets for 1 second.

I would gladly take necro banner or night fae explosion and crit an entire group for 150k each while giving me massive stamina and mastery.

If they want to rework spear into one of the other ones :stuck_out_tongue: