the problem is that its a mostly pvp game mode that is outside of the main client, when it has been advertised a s a big huge exciting secret content patch for the main client. if its separate why is it 10.2.6 it should just be 1.0 for its own mode. almost everyone who gravitat4es away from pvp was let down and disappointed by the reveal and probably has some resentment towards it.
You can use whatever buzzwords you want to describe it, but they can’t win on some of it.
If there are rewards, people who don’t like it will complain (Evidently, even if it’s purely cosmetic). If there aren’t rewards, people who do like it will complain.
There’s a grind because a lot of people keep telling blizzard that rewards being RNG or skill based are bad, so it should be a finite grind of trivial difficulty (Which, this is).
The design is to do a battle royale mode, which by definition, includes an element of PvP.
And not everyone has to like everything they do. It’s impossible for everything they make to be content that everyone likes, as there are enough different groups of player preferences that some will be mutually exclusive.
So it seems that a lot of people in this thread don’t like a thing (which is fine), they should really stop arguing that all rewards be removed, so as to not interfere with the enjoyment of those who do like the new mode.
Also, as far as I can tell, none of the event rewards mention being exclusive to the event, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they pop up on the trading post at some point in the future.
And yet they have locked a popular request -again- behind FOMO. These long coats have been requested since BfA and now they force people to do something they don’t like?
The point you’re missing here is a proper balance. The fortnite-mode is a good idea but how it is executed (FOMO, for real?) is just plain unprofessional. If they remove the FOMO-part of it, it would be completely fine and stand on its own.
A CC-member also made an interesting math post and how long it takes to reach certain goals. Basically, you need to play six games and getting ~500 renown per match daily, to get everything. Given that we don’t know if the event will ever come back, it’s highly likely people will get burned out by this pretty quickly.
Years ago they said making raids were the easiest part of the game development part of WoW. Wonder why they have had a change of tune. Makes no sense to sacrifice a raid tier for other stuff.
Because players expectations of raids went up. 1 boss now takes multiple times more dev time than the entirety of molten core did.
Releasing a BR in a MMO as a content patch is like releasing a new bacon cheese burger in a vegan restaurant.
They said that during WoD and Legion days when raids were already more complicated than vanilla stuff.
This. Even though it’s not my preferred method of gameplay, some seem to really enjoy this BR. I say ‘give it some time’ and once people have their rewards, see how many continue to play Plunderstorm. That is the metric that will tell Blizzard whether it’s a success. Just my opinion, of course