Negativity about Plunderstorm

What are you on? It’s gotta be good, I’d like some please.

plunderstorm wow classic season of discovery and modern wow. more versions of wow to play and people are upset. honestly not surprised people dont like change or things new.

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I think Plunderstorm is fine as a concept, and I haven’t ever played it.

I think the real ire that exists (or should exist) is the silliness behind it being secretive for how long it was. I don’t hate the idea of secrets, or even an entirely secretive patch for Retail, but I think a lot of people where looking for something to do in WoW and dreamed up big things about what the secret would be and a separate client PvP game wasn’t what they were imagining. I imagine as soon as the info dropped a lot of people went “Oh…I have no interest in this” and checked out.

Dragonflight is honestly one of the best modern expansions imo ever since legion it has been pretty downhill I think they should do more interesting things like this. I honestly think they should keep it and expand on it and fine tune it as like a party mode every so often with different themes.

Throwing a party is problematic when all your friends don’t want to speak to you, anymore.

i think it was a good idea seeing how people are reacting now would have had worst coverage if things were left known.

That’s fine celebrate in a corner with a cupcake and your pets.

I was referring to Blizzard throwing a “party” when everyone despises Blizzard’s current staff.

How many people do YOU know running around saying WoW is great and people should definitely pick it up?

If WoW was actually in a good place, Blizzard wouldn’t have to come out with all these short-term sideshow versions to desperately try and keep people around.

What Blizzard needs to do is FIX WoW. But that would require firing the current dev team and admitting that they screwed everything up. Which Blizzard won’t do, because of their in-house arrogance.


there is like 1 or 2 good staff IMO and most people love them, any speaking against the others results in us getting bans and people wonder things getting bad cant speak out.

What Blizzard needs to do to fix wow would alienate the sweat lords they are actively courting in these hail Mary passes. Even Asmon is saying anti sweat lord things all the time, and his sweaty mongrels berate you with “it’s too complex” “addons ruin the game” etc.

If you’re saying that Blizzard needs to cut off the back-door communication between developers and streamers, you’re absolutely correct.

You crying about us crying lol

imagine if they did that cut off all addons banned them. imagine the chaos, just look at just plunderstorm something is entirely optional. the absolute chaos.

I, in fact, did play BFA and I’m a pretty big lore nerd. So, what is the lore connection? Why are there pirates suddenly in Arathi Highlands? Who are the two pirate characters Plix Sputtermouth and Da’kash Grimledger? Where did this Kegleg crew come from? What is the connection Battle for Azeroth or its events? To Freehold? What is this storm and why hasn’t it affected any of the rest of WoW? You cannot answer any of those questions. Why? Because outside of being WoW themed it has zero to do with World of Warcraft. Its a different game with a WoW coat of paint, just like adding Lilith to Call of Duty. And your mind numbingly stupid comment about “pirates have always been pretty prevalent in wow.” shows you trying so hard to grasp at straws. Pirates have been a prevalent thing in a whole host of games and media. I mean, i guess by your misguided logic we could say that this game mode is related to Sid Mier’s Pirates game too because, well, pirates.

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I guess at this point, “gamer” means tryhard, I am just calling myself an “employed property owner”

Shame I love wow so much (I don’t hate Plorm either, btw) Blizz just instills zero faith in me at this point.

i love the “HOW DARE BLIZZARD MAKE A WOW MODE NOT FOR ME!!!” its always nice to this and how toxic the players get.

Except nobody’s saying that, you’re just proving that you aren’t reading anyone’s actual complaints.

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as someone with pretty bad visual impairments, they’d need to DRASTICALLY overhaul ui options or i’m not sure i could play. this game STILL has no font/text scale separate from the ui scale, and i cannot see their micro ant font. it’s just blurred squiggles at best.

Not a WoW game mode anymore the Warcraft Rumble is. And that’s the issue. No one is complaining that “the game mode isnt for me”. They are asking why did they waste dev resources for something that is clearly not related to anything in the game they advertised it for?

In particular, why did the devs pull off of working on WoW (which Blizzard says they did) in order to work on this, when WoW is in such a bad state? If WoW was still riding high, nobody would care if the devs spent time on a side project.

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