Need some Canadian culture in WoW

America is the min/maxer no-lifing islands for AP and buying out rank 3 IS BoEs. Canada is the world quester.


Talk to me when your citizens have access to fresh water bro…

Quaint of you to assume Michiganders are Americans.

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Go back to your overpopulated server bro.

You’re… you’re from A52…

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I mean america noob

You must have been in the woods. Did you try looking in a city or town?


Hockey is a bit like PvP. They should put in a 6v6 hockey themed battleground.


A list of what we need in-game
-A mountie cosmetic set

-Hockey stick polearm/staff

-a new mage glyph
Glyph of Tim Hortons: Summons a box of timbits and coffee.

-Bryan Adams to voice an npc.


I’d say Curling should be in the BG.

Isnt the maple leaf scarlet crusade tabard enough? Or perhaps you want a hockey stick transmog.

I demand an otter mount in recognition of… something Canada did once or whatever.

I heard that in order to get into the Scarlet Crusade, you have to chug two liters of maple syrup in 3 minutes. Apparently every true Canadian can do this.

There are already several moose mounts.

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I am not a Canadian but I did achieve the scarlet crusade maple tabard.

You can literally play as a moose in a red flannel shirt riding another moose. What more do you want?

If there’s one, there’s one on every corner.

It always amuses me when Americans try to write “sorry” with a Canadian accent, since we’re the ones who actually say “sorry” instead of “sarry”. And the word is “eh”.

eh sounds like A
ehh sounds like meh
aye sounds like eye

Anyone else wanna tell him you can already set your game to use metres instead of yards?


Oh, f*** yeah, bud! Just gonna pound back a couple brewskies and f***in’ give 'er, eh bud!

And Letterkenny is a damn fine show.

The metric system is objectively correct. Mass = Kg, Weight = Newtons. But if you maintain a constant gravitational field, the two are directly proportional. WE know the difference. By the by, do you know the Imperial unit of mass without looking it up? Because it’s “slugs”.

Dumass system.

Are you talking about Flint, or the hundreds of First Nations across Canada on boil advisories, some since the early 2000’s?


That’s not what they do with it.

They pour a line of it in the snow, and twirl it around a stick (from a tree) as it solidifies.

This is not a joke.

Oh, those are cool and all but they’re not otters. We uh… we need representation for the Province of Otterwa. Yeah. Otterwa.


Wasn’t Grizzly hills Canadian enough for you? Or was that more Alaskan?

Definitely Alaskan.