Need ROGUES for ED Machinima: [COMPLETE]

The video is done !!
Check it out below

Thank you everyone for your patience, this took much longer then I would have liked, but I have chosen all the rogues for the upcoming episode, figured out the scenes I’m doing, and written the majority of the Script. so without further adieu

Name - Server
Heltor - Emerald Dream
Vulrog - Blackhand
Withpuppys - Nazgrel
Gnarli - Azjol-Nerub
Eberwyn - Azshara
Dustfinger - Malganis
Blackflag - Stormrage
Astocha - Azjol-Nerub
Garmaunder - Jubei’Thos
Dynmath - Dawnbringer
Jimmythehand - Frostmourne
Noriban - Khadgar
Faelinaria - Silver Hand
Zeddan - Draka

If you missed the original post, this is what people signed up for:


omg I’m gonna be famous

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With any luck !
Keep your Mog just like that and It will help me out a lot :stuck_out_tongue:

of course, if you want any inspiration you can youtube heltor 2 for some rogueish machinimas

I already wrote your scene - but it fits pretty well to your video I think you’ll be pleased

looking forward to it man

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‘Ey, Heltor mon. You may not be rememberin’ from away back when, but Arkangel says be tellin’ ya hello.

Ooooo! Look at all those famous people! Looking forward to this!

and a few soon-to-be famous people !!

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