Need help making macro (if this one is even possible)

For my prot warrior, is it possible to have a macro that uses Shield Charge if it’s off cooldown, and use Charge while Shield Charge is on cooldown?

Macros can’t check if an ability is available, so the closest you’ll get is a clunky castsequence macro that you really shouldn’t use.

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/cast Shield charge
/cast Charge

Should work.

It will just try to cast Shield Charge every time even though it’s on cooldown. That’d only work if Shield Charge wasn’t on the GCD (I’d imagine it is on the GCD).

Yeah, shield charge has a 45 second cooldown, I believe. I’ve only started warrior tanking, so I was hoping to consolidate my buttons, especially since they both essentially do the same thing.

Is there a way that I can add a modifier to the macro? So, MouseWheelUp will cast Charge, while Alt+MouseWheelUp will cast Shield Charge or something like that?

The macro I posted works fine, just use that for now.

If you want to use modifier macros anyway (for other skills too),

/cast [nomod] Shield Charge
/cast [mod:alt] Charge

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/cast[mod:alt]Shield Charge;

I think that will do what you want…

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you could ask in the warrior or ui/macro sub forum and might get a better answer.

found this in the ui/macro forum:

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