Need Help in hiding Achievement Animation

Hello, I created an addon which aims to Hide the Achievement functionality in Retail - addons/hideachievements
However, the only remaining functionality I can’t figure out how to hide is the Animation that triggers on “ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED”
If anyone knows how to hide it and can respond that would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! :slight_smile:

I can’t say I know what you are talking about but have you tried unregistering the event from the frame(s) that are triggered by it?


or if the event is required for an update you want to preserve, hook its OnEvent script and run the animations :Stop() method.

Additional Context: When you complete an achievement, a specific animation occurs around your character. Similar to level up, glow effect that triggers.
I cannot find the specific frame to unregister the event from, looking at tomrus88 it only appears in a handful of places, none that I have tried specifically link to the animation.
Are you able to elaborate on the :Stop() method?
Would it look something like
HideAchievements:SetScript(“OnEvent”, function(self, event, …)
if event == “ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED” then

If it’s a 3D world effect, which “around your character” seems to indicate then unless there is a CVar to turn it off, you’re unlikely to achieve what you want.

Maybe a look through the Advanced Interface Options addons CVar browser might turn something up.

Fifteen years I’ve been playing this game, with a couple of short breaks, and I never noticed an animation when I get an achieve.

I’m gonna have to go GET one to see it now. :slight_smile:

Yup. There it is. Mostly just some little sparklies.

I did a brief search of CVARS and nothing relevant popped up looking for ach (as in ACHIEVE) or ani (as in ANIMATION).

I don’t think it’s gonna be accessible unless it’s badly mislabled in the CVARS (something I wouldn’t put past Blizzard).

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iknorite… when you strip the game back of all the bling’s and dings and visual flashes of information it’s actually more enjoyable (at least for me) and yeah you notice things you never noticed before!
When you have the addon enabled, it just looks so out of place when you get this animation… thus need to disable/hide it!

Getting rid of the popup and the sound would do it for me. I mean, to quote Mr. Loaf, “Two out of three ain’t bad.”

I wonder if you could hook something in the handler for the event and shut it down there?

For reference, I did use “/etrace start” got an achievement and it just generated “ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED” but wasn’t able to discern what was the source to either UnregisterEvent or Hide() it

The event will have been generated by the game engine to notify “addons” (UI elements) that something has happened in-game.

In-game sparkles aren’t addons and they’ve been “activated” by a internal process only available to Blizzard if no CVar exists.

If you were talking about a UI animation, which I initially thought you were, then unregistering the event might have worked for that scenario.

Thanks for the help! I have tried the CVars avenue without success. I have submitted a Suggestion to implement this specific CVar in a future release. I can only assume that it’ll sit in the backlog for eternity unless there is a majority also wanting this feature implemented. Unsure how to escalate Enhancement requests… might need to re-visit this if and when the addon is ever popular!