Need help choosing a DK race change per faction

I’m into PvE–namely aesthetics, fight animations and voice emotes. Even after multiple character trials, I still am having trouble choosing a race change for my Horde and Alliance DK’s. :crazy_face: As you’ll see, I talk myself out of stuff more than I do into it. (Any race not mentioned is due to the fact that I’ve ruled it out.)

ON HORDE: I’ve a female Belf DK but now find her puny for the class; I’m considering Undead (UD), Tauren, Pandaren and Nightborne (all female).

  • I like the idea of an Unholy UD DK, but if I find the Belf too puny… sigh

  • Tauren is hefty enough to wield a 2H sword. (I like my Tauren Warrior and Paladin; so I like female Tauren as a melee fighter.)

  • I like the melee fight animations of female Pandaren, with the martial-arts moves; yet I may grow tired of Pandaren as a DK… :thinking: :woman_shrugging:

  • I like the statuesque Nightborne; still, I find her general stance awkward, the voice too much like Sylvanas’ (for the obvious reason) and the lack of appearance options depressing.

ON ALLIANCE: I’ve a female Draenei but am bored with her as a DK. I’m considering a Human, Dwarf and (maybe?) DID (also all female).

  • Human gets mocked for being too generic, but there’s something about the overall look of the female Human DK that seems fitting.

  • Dwarf has the heft/ strength to handle 2H swords, but the short stature may come to see too short for a DK.

  • I’m iffy on DID, due to their fiery nature. I may prefer IF Dwarf over DID for this reason alone. (Same potential shortness issue applies to the DID as a DK.)

Not sure how you get bored of a Female Draenei DK, but ok… try a Female Worgen instead.

i like 2h female belf animations, nightborne animations, pandaren animations and tauren female dual wield animations. i main a male 2h tauren and it looks really clunky especially with frost strike.

Panda, never gets old. You will be like a celebrity and people will notice you.


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oh my god is that a panda


See OP? I told you.

Yes Sir, I am a Panda.

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hello panda can i have a hug!?

One moment, just need to finish this autograph…

Alright, hugs

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I GOT A PANDA HUG! :smile:

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I really dig my Worgen DK for alliance. The extra speed and being able to “mount” ( Running Wild ) in the maw is AWESOME, no Twisting Corridors for me!

If it makes you feel any better, I’ve a female Draenei Mage and Shaman, as well as a LFD Hunter and Paladin. I’ve not tired of them, so it’s something to do with the DK class, I can only assume. :woman_shrugging:

Don’t rule it out.

Give it another think. Worgen DK a great idea, been thinking of rolling one myself (though admittedly I am loving a Red Panda DK as well).

I’m thinking it’s a personal thing for you. I have a Female Draenei DK myself and I absolutely love it, if only for the transmog options.

I picked up a set from Hellfire Citadel that looks amazing as a Frost set (with an SL helm though, because it just looked awesome in place of the set helm)

Orc DK is only valid DK


Worgen can use Running Wild in the Maw??

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Yep, I didn’t believe it at first either til i started leveling this alt.

Damn, I was torn between my Worgen and LFD warriors but this just made it a tad easier!

Any reason you don’t play men?

Because that’s rude smh. Playing anyone is just bad manners.

I love what plate looks like on Z trolls. I also like the idea of a nightborne BDK, with rivendreth. I have a human DK as well, but it was just for farming alliance reps for ARs I will never use, lol.

I’m a female player who had to play male characters for most video games–before more female char options existed; now that I may play chars to which I better identify, I go for it. (I say that as a non-RP’er, too.) Nowadays, playing a more bulky male, no matter the race, seems jarring. That’s about the best way that I can explain my leaning toward female chars. (Ironically, my husband’s main is a female Troll. Maybe he, too, got tired of playing solely male chars during his childhood. :grin:)

:laughing: Agreed.

I indicate in my OP the races I’m considering; all Trolls are out. (I’ve one Troll Druid–the exception to my rule.) A NB BDK going with Rivendreth could be cool. (I don’t tank whatsoever, but you ought go for it, if that race-class combo.'s calling you.)

I’m semi-fearful that a Human DK would collect dust for me, too; still, I like my Human Paladin… But since I’ve a (higher-lvl) LFD Paladin, that may be give me more reason to go with a Human DK and delete my Human Pally.

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