Need Blue response. Can we sell 5 man Dungeon Loot or not? Tribute Run sells?

Report. Tribute runs going on RN as you typed that out :smiley:

I don’t play anniversary anymore :expressionless: You’re gonna have to carry the torch, bud.

All we know for sure is Frosstfire sucks at wow.


Award: “give or order the giving of (something) as an official payment, compensation, or prize to (someone)” Passing on loot is not the same thing as awarding it, this is why gdkp in raids/dungeons is fundamentally different than paying someone to kill a boss in a 5 man. Can’t you just go back to grey parsing in era and let the normal people enjoy the forums? :expressionless:

those litigious word games aren’t gonna work :expressionless: we all know why people pay others to carry them through dungeons.

If I buy an SM boost with FFA loot and I get the staff off of the last boss did I just participate in a gdkp? :expressionless: Please think before posting

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I imagine DM Tribute runs are fine. You aren’t bidding on items, you are just outright buying them. Not all that different than buying a BoE off the player itself since it comes from a chest.

Kind of a gray area, Blizzard probably wont do anything about it. GDKP is more for the mass amounts of RMT that happens in raids.

Why is that? I would imagine there are a ton of different reasons but they don’t line up with your bias opinions.

buying them is just as illegal as bidding :expressionless:

Says a fat elf who doesn’t play wow :expressionless:

they be buyin items :expressionless:

You are wrong :slight_smile:

I just bought a shadowcraft belt off the auction house, when will I get banned for gdkp :expressionless:

Not really, the bidding aspect drives prices through the roof and encourages insane amounts of RMT.

Buying a ring or staff out of a chest for 50-100g isn’t nearly as egregious as what was happening in GDKPs where items were going for thousands of gold each.

I can’t really take you serious as you’re a 10 year old child, or at least that is how you come off using emotes like that to try and stand out for attention.

How is your relationship with your father?

If you just respond to them with 285 they usually go away

logically you should :expressionless: luckily for you blizzard is being inconsistent on that front.

Buying boe’s on the AH is gdkp :expressionless: this is the average forum poster

Yes, it is. :expressionless:

Thank you for continuing to make everyone on the wrong side of this argument look very dumb :expressionless: 285