Need Blue response. Can we sell 5 man Dungeon Loot or not? Tribute Run sells?

The blue post says it’s against TOS however they don’t seem to be policing the policy at all, but the policy does exist.

They’ve banned half my raid team for this in sod lol. It happens, just the buffs, and warlock mount quest prog.

The guy above me tells me a blue wall is red doesn’t mean it is. There is a discoord with 4500 people in it that report if they get banned for runs.

ZERO reports

He just said half his raid got banned for this yet you are still posting stupid posts.

FAFO nerd.

Which is why we want clarification.

If they’re not going to enforce the 5 man dungeon policy now then they should not pick and choose when to start enforcing.

Either enforce it or remove it.

The clarification is here.

you don’t need clarification… the rules are right there in black and white dude :expressionless:

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Nobody is being banned for the “black and white print” dude.

Literally everyone on Nightslayer ally is selling dungeon loot, they would need to ban a lot of people lmao.

Yes they are bro the guy just told you they are in SoD.

These new realms have same rules as SoD.


Same with horde, “Dire Maul” chat is moving faster than LFG

they need more people reporting them :expressionless:


Have fun catching a ban i guess.

When you do please post a crying thread.

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I play SOD, and we have lots of sellers. Zero bans. That guy can lie for forum attention. I know you believe it because it fits your bias here but 4500 people in a discoord across multiple versions of wow with no bans. I’ll go off real data not “That one guy in forum said”.

If ANYONE gets banned for selling 5 man loot I will post it.

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FAFO then and when you get banned please make a forum thread so we can laugh at you.


I just made one. Right here, right now asking if I am going to get banned for selling tribute runs in game. This very second runs are being sold.

They won’t answer you bro.

They have already clarified this in the blue posts.

When asked directly an actual blue poster did not say it was against ToS, you should read blue posts

Yet no bans from that post.

So that post appears to be a bluff or they’re okay with 5 mans but not raids.

They other guy said his raid members have been banned.

You are ignoring this evidence because it doesn’t fit your narrative.



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