Need advice on base sitting as Veng in RBG's

How are you guys keeping a rogue from capping while base sitting. I’ve tried different ways and as I climbed in to the 1800 bracket, it seems the rogues got quite a bit better. Here’s what I tried:

Max distance while shadowmeld. Half the times, the rogue finds and saps me. Now they are on the base and capping. I can wait for sap to hopefully run out before they cap, but most of the time, they get the cap. I can then trinket the sap, and interrupt, only to get blinded for another 8s and then they cap.

Another option is to abysmal strike in, pop spikes and immolation. I have the extended immolation aura talent, so hoping it stops them from capping. Instantly I’m blinded, but stopping them from capping…till they vanish and then sap again. Then it’s trinket or blind.

Lastly, if I can fend them off once, they race back knowing my trinket is on cooldown and then it’s a cap again.

Yes I have spectral site, pops me out of stealth, and on a 30s CD. Good rogues see the sight and get distance. If I jump to them, I’m instantly sapped in the air, and then a cap.

How do you base sit against good rogues? Again, half the times I can fight them off and win, the other half against really good ones, it’s like I’m just slowing them down and hoping for the cavalry to come running. I feel like I’m letting the team down when this happens.

Ideally you’d want to stick closer to the flag, but not close enough where he can sap and cap right away. That way you don’t need to trinket the sap because he won’t cap before your glaive him.

Additionally, you can sit on the flag call for help immediately, trinket his sap and immediately cast Immolation Aura to interrupt his blind cap.

Also probably, better to run those CC reduction legendaries and trinkets in those BGs so you don’t even have to worry about it. That’s probably the easiest remedy, but I don’t think the legendary and trinket stack, so one or the other. Legendary would be optimal but you might miss the interrupt due to latency, so go with the 20% reduction trinket.

Ok. How long does the flag cap take? 3-4 secs? I will look in to the lower reduction trinket. It seems to be a good idea. I will look at the leggo too. Thanks

Takes 8 seconds to cap a flag. The CC reduction trinket makes it to where they can’t sap cap you if you’re on the flag. They can still try killing you, but you should last enough to not die before help arrives.

They can sap blind combo you all they want, you’ll always be able to interrupt unless you’re getting chain CCd. There’s no counter play to that though.

it takes 6 sec to cap a base flag. My advice, sit roughly 30 yds away from the flag. you having shadowmeld is a plus. If he saps you and you’re 30yds away, he shouldn’t have enough time to get to the flag and cap. Some rogues will bomb on flag to bait your to leap to vanish sap. Here you have 2 choices, you can Immo Aura Leap onto flag (Immolation Aura spins flags) or you can Sigil of Flame into the bomb, which also spins flags. One of those 2 should be able to get his Blind and you should still have trinket. Once he vanishes, RUN! Run far away and since he has no bomb, u can spin Throw Glaive. By that time, help should be there. If not and you lose base, it’s not your fault. sry for posting on an old thread, but thought i’d give some insight

Sitting 30 yards from flag is gonna get you cap. Most of these people who give this dumb advice about sitting 30 yards and they shouldnt be able to sap capp you dont even know that a good rogue can use sprint and make it in time even if you’re 60 yards away rather than using sprint to make it toward you. You’re in the 1800 bracket where its a hit or miss on team mates. Your best bets to sit 60 yards and watch the flag cap channel along with the sap duration to figure out if you need to trinket out and jump onto flag and pop immolation and hope your peeler gets to you within 20 seconds then sit with you until your trinket is off cd. In the scenario you dont need to pop trinket and you got about 2 seconds before cap and sap is out you can pop one infernal strike into imprison (dont glaive, that thing has travel time). Theres multiple scenarios in which a good rogue will get the cap on you no matter what but i’m not going to get into that

Mfw people are necroing old threads when the exact same one is already on front page.