Necro pvp for shadow

Has anyone made the switch to necro for shadow pvp?

Very hard to give up mind games but I’ve seen pallid command pump huge damage, and fleshcraft would be a nice addition to our defensive kit.

I think it’s personal preference. You have more kill windows with venthyr cuz stun silence mind games and void torrent all line up perfectly.

With necro you’re more tanky and your damage is on a longer cycle. Also the pets can be CC’d/killed so there’s a bit of risk there.

ive been necro since s1. Still glad to never have been venth. it just feels overall better

I just find that mind games is such a hard priority spell to shut down that I rarely get it off when I need to burst

It really only works well these days in pure set up comps when you’re perfectly cross cc’ing everyone. Necro with the new legendary pumps and it’s literally fire and forget. You’re also way more tanky as necro.

Necro is also very good in PVE, and seems to be pulling ahead of NF in some situations. If you’re looking to switch to anything, definitely go necro.

What comps have you had success with?

I switched last week for necro pvp and prefer it. Mind games was ok but I don’t miss it at all and necro is better vs cleaves which is 90% of teams

The Ventyr Leggo + Conduit quite strong for PvP. Dont know if u tried it. But when u combo Blade girl u can get 70% crit for 10sec. Combo with Ghost it does quite huge amount of ghost sinse u sent 2 on crit

How do you get 70% crit what’s lego and conduit do

I feel like mind games just gets dispelled and you don’t get the value of the leggo, no?

Well The conduit add 2sec and the leggo 3sec. And for each sec left after applying it u get crit bonus. So if the target use it at the first sec it does 5% × 10sec left = 50% crit for 10 sec. And if u had the girl buff of 20% crit at the same time well u get 70% crit for 10sec.

Well it proc after either Dmg or Heal no need for both. So if u time yourself well u get its 50% crit. In PvE its a bit harder but in PvP thing goes fast so the chance of proc before dispel are usually higher

The problem with the Venthyr leggo is that the buff usually comes after your burst - assuming it isn’t jsut dispelled before it triggers. Could be useful if you get in a situation where you can spam your VF rotation on someone in a BG.

Well if u time it the proc will be before the dispel cause u only need either dmg or Heal no need for both