Necro frost mage rotation advice

I feel like Ishould be doing more dps, on target dummy in Org, FB Necro, IV orb spam FB dump Fof at 4 sec and use brain freeze proc, did 21k no buffs or pots and 2 set. What am I doing wrong if anything?

did anybody notice that deathbone gets cancelled if you precast it right before boss is pulled in raid?

still consumes the cooldown tho. ruined a bunch of openers to that last night - kinda weird since it doesnt happen in m+

I pre cast frost bolt never my Necro ability first

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yeah that works. i still wonder why entering combat can break deathbone in raid but not m+ somehow. what causes it lol

Hasnt it always been either the frost bolt leggo for st or the ice lance cleave leggo for aoe?

Hmmm Iā€™ve never had that happen yet. But havenā€™t done a ton of raiding since nathria

or if the ice lance will kill the target

For pure ST yes the FB legendary was always ā€˜bestā€™ but there were few pure ST fights in the last raid, and due to the way bosses had immunity phases Freezing was actually pretty viable on a lot of them. Youā€™re also technically correct for AoE - the biggest damage was the Glacial Fragments legendary however it gave 0 damage increase on bosses, didnā€™t allow for priority target damage and was not very useful in higher keys so people took freezing winds. Fragments was really only used on raid trash or low keys.

But thatā€™s still 2 or 3 legendaries that Frost needed at the time and now that Freezing Winds is no longer any good due to the changes to Orb CD reduction, Frost is looking for yet another legendary to use in M+ or cleave/add bosses. Seems pretty gross to expect one spec to need that many legendaries just to do average damage.