NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

Oh geez. This forum…

Just admit that you used the wrong expression and what you meant was the centre of current Night Elf civilization.


Never! I’ll burn it all first!

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Too soon…


Based upon your comments I get the feeling you are deeply myopic about world history and the sins across many civilizations. On several threads I’ve seen you specifically bring up America. Keep your politics out of it.


But you fill in for Sira so well.


And also main a Belf with far more investment in their story than the Kaldorei’s. :unamused:

America is where I am from, so something I am familiar with… and it is also the worlds cultural and economic hegemon in todays world, so something people on this forum will have had contact with/been influenced by. I mean, this game and its story is an American made product… That’s why.

Nah :stuck_out_tongue:


As far as I know the new race intro isnt even in alpha. The datamined change is not good, I doubt it would have even made it into alpha if it hadnt been noticed by players.

I am not aware if the characters no longer referencing Teldrassil is in the alpha or just datamined.

I could see them playing it down and avoiding Teldrassil, becuase it was a horribly pulled off event, but I cant see them doing away with it completely. Look at all the things that go with it. We have the warfront with sets for both factions. zones were completely changed and in the case of southshore all sorts of pets, toys, mounts ingame cinematics, referances in the sadfang chronicles. Then of course the skybox in southshore darkshore.

As a side thought, what if retconing the burning of Teldrassil was the goal. All those things listed will be removed or be aquired some other way. Would that be a bad thing? It means that those angriest about it won. Blizzard is undoing it.

I just cant wait for this to be over. Even after taking months away from wow it’s still going. I dont know how people have the energy to keep at it.

You specifically bring up America not as a comparison per say but when it is convenient for you to bring up how awful you think it is (which I disagree with not because I’m not aware of America’s faults but because I understand context of human behavior and psychology), so I don’t quite get the feeling that is why you bring it up.

A poster said a certain part of the lore follows a certain theme, a theme which I found very comparable to that running through the worlds hegemonic power, which also happens to produce the very game we are discussing, and therefor those themes coming up in the game do not surprise me. I think it was apt and on topic.

It seems this is what your reply to me is actually about. You wanted to make it clear you disagree with whatever political sentiment you found in my comment. If it was a matter of simple neutrality and just “keeping politics out of it”, you would never have accused me of being “myopic to world history” or stated how much you disagree with my framing of American history.

I am not going to have a political debate with you here, however, as it’s not the place for it. :v:


Well, I made it clear to make my own biases apparent intentionally, They are political statements and it’s something I’d typically debate so since I would rather not debate politics on this forum let’s not use contentious comparisons even if you find them self-evident.

Here, I’m politely asking you.

I’d be lying if I did not admit that the character has doubts and her faith in Elune is not nearly what it once was.

But she would put down Sira in a heartbeat.

if it was the goal why is it a part of the main plot of shadowlands?

Feel free to lump “narrative elements of shadowlands continue the buring of Teldrassil arc” to

As you can see I dont think blizzard is trying to retcon Teldrassil nor am I advocating for it. I asked “if they were, would it be bad?”

Thank you for adding to the list of reasons why I dont think this is happening though.

Was it? Pretty sure it’s not. Otherwise Teldrassil wouldn’t be AS devastating as it is now.

It would be bad, awful, terrible, any negative descriptor that you can think of. It would negate two years of player history, and it would not erase the negative feelings that the event created in the first place.

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Honestly, it’s such a bad narrative point that I don’t think retconning it would be bad.

The problem is, it’s really what the entire BfA expansion is set on. In all actuality, BfA should be retconned completely. The problem with -that- is… Do we really want to wait around for “BFA take two”?

I think I could if it promised more feel good moments for night elves. But I don’t think anyone else wants that. Speaking for myself only, I am just tired of pain and disappointment.

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You mean MoP 3, third time’s a charm.

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No, he didn’t! Shut up! He was asking a hypothetical question about it. Crazy people always take everything he says way out of context, and use it as an excuse to attack him.

asking politely right after asking in an insulting, hostile way in your initial post kind of makes the politeness seem performative