NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

So new players dont think the horde is the evil faction, since it seems the age of the villian bat hitting the horde is over, at least for now.

I mean, I could understand that mindset going forward, sure. But why withhold info about something that’s already happened?

Same reason they’re not gonna go into depth about Deathwing, Arthas, etc, right off the bat to a new player. I don’t even think it has anything to do with the Horde tbh (this time anyways).

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cause its alot of lore, why would someone new care about teld, the burning, azeroth, or lorderan in there first hour of playing, if that, I think the intro takes abotu 30 mins.

Redshirtguy just made a reddit post which goes into more detail as to what katiera posted.

So I’ve been informed on twitter that on this reddit a series of tweets I had made caused people to believe that Teldrassil was retconned. I don’t understand that, but I will explain in more detail what’s going on in the new starting experience.

When you complete Exile’s Reach, you are then sent to Stormwind and, after a quest that gives you a mount and a quest that teaches you how inns and hearthstones work, are immediately sent to a new version of the Kul Tiras intro. The dialogue is completely rewritten but carries the same basic idea except that Anduin is the one to come up with recruiting Kul Tiras instead of Jaina, and that Genn is very slightly more rude to her. They also removed the cinematic of the fleet getting destroyed by the Zandalari navy, and no longer mention Zul and Talanji escaping from the stockade. Instead it opens with Shaw telling Anduin the Zandalari have already “joined forces” with the Horde.

In this new version you don’t do the Battle for Lordaeron and never receive the Heart of Azeroth necklace. Because of these removals, new characters are never informed that the Battle for Lordaeron or the burning of Teldrassil happened (though new night elf players are made aware that Teldrassil exists in their staring cinematic, in what myself and many others have considered an odd decision given the timeline).

The only explanation given for why the Alliance and Horde are at war, and these are direct quotes from the questline, are “It seems there was some trouble with the Horde while we were away” and “I have received word that the Horde has joined forces with the Zandalari Empire … Then we must make new allies of our own.”

I’m not sure why this is causing such confusing. They removed references to the events, not implied they don’t exist. The new intro also removes all reference to the Heart of Azeroth and the Wound in Silithus. You never meet Magni at all. Yet no one is using that to argue those events are being made non-canon.

I’m sorry about any confusion that has arisen from this and hope I’ve provided more clarity.

Source: `


Someone that’s genuinely new to World of Warcraft presumably has no attachment to Lordaeron or Teldrassil, so they probably wouldn’t care much about either of those going away.

But I feel it’s a disservice to gloss over events around the opening of the war like that. Not to mention that for those of us that are decidedly not new, it further reinforces the mercenary way our homes and people were used to tug at heartstrings.


The events arent even removed, if the new player wants to experiance them they can, other than the WoT literally the same as it is today

in fact if they talk to npcs around bolarus they still talk about what happened to teld

to be fair it really didn’t make sense. being a cold bad forsaken fanboy was actually the most consistent character you could play in BfA. to throw away your loyalty for some random fugitive who wont even tell you where hes going was stupid even as a proud sylvanas hater. no i dont care that he was a meme, ingame he didnt do anything since wrath. wish they kept the option that was datamined where you ignore both of them to go on holiday.


I’m convinced that if WoW was more serious the options during the war should of been loyalists or gtfo and go do your usual merc thing.

Since imo rebellion after an act that went way too far just kinda spells death, no matter how much you crave peace anyone sane on the alliance side should of pushed Anduin back into the kitty pool and finished the horde for its inability to act relatively quickly after the act, and instead waited months after other numerous things.

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genocide is bad

Not according to the Horde.


Casual reminder that alter-Draenei kill or mind control/enslave anyone who will not worship the Light.


They arent alliance or MU draenei are they, and even if they where, they are bad

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Y’rel promised to help.

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…yeah, I’m…going with the history of Draenor? Both our universe, and the alternate universe?

Yeah, I’m okay with that.

If that’s what it takes to get them to stop trying to kill everything for like five seconds? Yeah, sure. Go for it.

The above [semi]flippancy aside, i hated everything about how that was handled; in no small part due to Alliance characters not finding out what happened to Yrel, the person who they ran with through all of Draenor. The one who you had all those experiences with. Like when you helped her regain her confidence at Shaz’ghul. The one who beamed with pride with Lok-Narash was taken. The one there when Vindicator Maraad met his fate. The one billed as a proper Draenei character, and an Alliance hero.

“Whatever happened to her? It made me feel good helping her.”
“I don’t know. We didn’t want her help with the Legion, for some reason, so I’m sure she’s fine back there.”


…stupid. Just plain stupid.


Casual reminder that the birthrace of the Draenei, the Eredar, became the most evil race in both timelines, desiring the deaths of babies and entire planets to fuel their soul glut.


and she didnt anyways your distracting people from pheandras lies

only if you are the victims of genocide. Those who commit genocide seem to like it a lot without having to feel bad about themselves (Horde & Sylvanas), and yet they’re still forgiven while the victims of genocide are either dead and in wow hell forever or being portrayed as wrong and consumed by vengeance like Tyrande.

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They were literally swayed by one of the beings who shaped the universe.

And even then, some of them wouldn’t.

And it’s not like they name things after the worst of them. They don’t venerate those genocidal folks.


An all too American story…