NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

I don’t disagree. They have got themselves in a corner. But they have to start moving in a positive direction. Now I’m skeptical that this means anything, but at least it isn’t just keeping up with the villian bat. The only alternative is giving up, and they really can’t afford that.


Yeah, Anduin had certainly screwed up leading the Alliance till that point. I mean he had to have been desperate to release someone that has that much blood on their hands yet still clamber on about how saurfang has “honor”.

Point is that Blizzard writers don’t care about the warcraft story or actively ignore it because it doesn’t suit their new narrative. They have actively been retconning the story of the universe to make it more inline with the story they want to tell. It is really terrible how much disrespect they have for the original writers work.

The worst part about Sylvanas burning that damn tree is these repeated labored discussions where we see so many of these pedantic opinions which involve the mincing of words regarding the deliberate killing of thousands (possibly tens of thousands even though they’re all pixelated), not to mention the wiping out of countless other species and the destruction of entire ecosystems. It makes me worry for the future of the human race.


This makes you worried for the human race?
I don’t like inserting politics in lore discussions but the US president suggested people inject themselves with Lysol.

That seems more concerning for the survival of humanity than nerd debates.
But thats just me.

I was hoping to point out the ludicrousness of the whole thing by being tongue-in-cheek, not make an actual commentary regarding how eff’d up our real world is.

Seems like you can’t handle mOrAl grEy.


We are in the most stupid timeline for sure.

Note to the squeamish: War is about killing people in mass numbers in order to acheive an end that politics or economics alone can’t do. There’s nothing honorable about it and the rules of war are only enforced on those who lose the conflict.


Sure, in the abstract. But how it has been carried out and the actual goals change and differ throughout history and from culture to culture. Wars still always have political objectives in mind. While it has horrifically been the case certainly many times in human history, the whole sale genocide of a people is not and has not always been the goal of every war, so even though in war one is always using violence in the most visceral sense to enforce ones will on another, there are lines which if you cross can undermine the political objective. The rules of war are always defined by the concrete realities and political objectives of the bodies engaged in it. I mean, yeah, of course the losers are subject to the will of the winner… but the will of every winner is not the same.

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That all depends in World War 2, both Axis and Allies had strategies which centered around wholesale destruction of civillian populations. The purpose of Dresden after all was to be a testbed for creating Firestorms. Simmilarly Hiroshima was our signal to the Russians on what we would do to their cities if they would not submit to an American hegemony on the planet. (that strategy went out the window with our monopoly on the Bomb. It also depended on a major misreading of the Soviet psyche.)

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I am well aware of the events of WW2. It doesn’t really change or contradict what I said:


But Chronicles is as stated by blizz told not as fact but as a perspective so to take it with a grain of salt

Having Sylvanas be the bad guy from here on out was the plan from the beginning. Saurfang and the Horde champion’s rebellion arc were in there from the beginning. They always intended to place Teldrassil largely at her feet and tie it into her eventual defeat.

They only added in the loyalist options to appease players who claimed “it doesn’t make sense that my character would turn on Sylvanas now,” but weren’t actually ever committed to it. That’s why all loyalists end up becoming rebels or just get dumped by Sylvanas by the end of 8.2.5.


Yep. Afrasiabi even said that, were it up to him, if you sided with Sylvanas you’d get your character deleted.

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Maybe those were the plans at some point, but the current path is: Redemption

Ogimmar was updated during MoP to show Kor’kron forces all over the city and you see humans in chains. When they reupdated the city post Warchief Garrosh’s defeat all these NPCs were removed.

Pretty sure he was being facetious


So why do you think they’re skippimg over it?