NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

I don’t think horde players care about the wants of alliance players, anymore than the reverse.

Is there a source for that outside of Chronicle, which seems to me something that’s becoming more and more dubious these days?

Night Elves are basically all that’s left of the forums and they’ve got a massive victim complex and see everything as a personal slight against them. That’s why.


Not defending Theramore but is it really on the scale to meet the definition of genocide?

This also needs to die, it’s ludicrous to toss Chronicle aside because a few things have been contradicted in it. Until Blizzard says otherwise it is cannon.


Morally grey folks.


You can’t really blame people for not holding Blizzard’s canonicity up anymore. They willingly stated “yeah, this book is canon but wrong Ex-Dee.” and expected people who paid for the book not to be mad. It was advertised as THE answers book. Then they changed it when they decided they didn’t want to be bound by canonicity.


I’ve played several characters Hordeside so I’m going to maintain my doubts until I see it for myself.

But the Horde players go through the same place we do? They have Theramore prisoners in chains forcing them to fight to the death right out in the open.

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Between posts like these, you’d think we were all playing Kaldorei Dark Rangers.


Like I said, if I had seen this Hordeside, I’d remember it. I do remember other things such as killing Alliance soldiers who were fleeing Wrathgate, but that’s a different kettle of fish.

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Your kidding. Blizz stop making the Forsaken seem like this noble race. Our entire lore up to now has been about survival and killing anyone that gets in our way. We work in the shadows so the horde doesn’t know all the horrible things we have done to people.

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I’ll stick to the Moonwood variety, thank you very much.

Same. I don’t remember this at all.

I googled it.

Theramore Citizens are humans found in the Valley of Strength during the Siege of Orgrimmar. Although they are forced to attack the invaders, some of them can be rescued.

So Garrosh didn’t have them killed and has had them locked up forever.

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Pretty sure there were other people launching those flaming boulders. Orders or no, they’re still responsible.

everyone knows now, its 2020 now 2004


I get what you’re saying. I guess my response to that would be “If they didn’t want returning players to feel like villains, they probably shouldn’t have made one faction commit one of the most heinous acts in Azeroth’s history”.

This isn’t me wanting Horde players to suffer, either. It’s just that Blizzard decided that this happened, and everybody knows it. How are they going to keep people from talking? What are they going to do when people find out that they were on the wrong side of history?

This is the consequence of short-sighted writing.

/e shakes her had sadly.

Oh, darling…there is no “bottom”.


That’s not towards you. It’s just…with how they’re writing the Horde? I could see them actually thinking that worked.

“I have made it so there are no more screams of agony from the women and children! Also, we need more duct tape, the kind you can’t bite through! Lok’tar!”


There was also Stormwind during warcraft 1 which Saurfang also lead the Horde invasion of. I mean the Horde didn’t even realise there were more Human nations at that point.

Its funny how Anduin forgets he released a war criminal who only 30 years prior was leading an invasion of that very city and sacked it. I think the quote from the book was “the canals were clogged with the bodies of the dead.”

I mean Saurfang has three attempted genocides under his belt at that time. But hey Anduin seems to have amnesia cause he seem to always forget important facts.(AKA the writers)


I doubt that he forgot. Fact of the matter however is that the Alliance was not stopping Sylvannas on its own and he decided that the best way to fight a Horde warchief is with it’s most successful General.

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