NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

You also listed stories that make you happy as good ones–in other words, you said that if a story provokes any reaction at all, that proves it’s good. My point is that they’re not automatically good stories just because they invoke those things.

See i would disagree cause any story happy or sad tries to get you emotionally invested. A bad story fails at this and makes you go meh who cares a good story is one that succeeds in getting an emotional response

So you drop all the points about how people quitting harms Blizzards bottom line (the original point, remember?) and spin the semantics? And even that was weak. People talk about quitting smoking but having relapsed all the time.

You really should be wanting to cut your losses on this one.

I am curious to see if they truly intend to retcon BFA to make it more palatable. From what I’ve read so far from people who claim to be in the Alpha, they didn’t just remove mentions of Teldrassil and Undercity; they straight up removed the Heart of Azeroth and Azerite, the Teldrassil and Undercity scenarios, and just dump brand new players on the dock of Zandalari/Kul Tiras when they finish Exile’s Reach.

Only veteran players get the option to do other expansions.

So, what do they plan on doin’ goin’ forward? The Horde never marched on Ashenvale? The burnin’ was a false-flag by N’Zoth and duped the Alliance into attackin’ Lordaeron unprepared?

It’s all really just messy at this point. Alpha will be alpha, so I’m waitin’ to see the finished product before I make any final judgments on Shadowlands.

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Reactions to the story can come from places other than emotional investment.

Aaaand, we’re back to where we started. If the previous posts by me and others haven’t explained to you why this is not true, then I’m not going to go through it again. Have a nice day.

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I do but dont see how you can separate the two. You get mad over a writter for the story they told. Its still the story

I’m in favor of retconning and burying BfA as deep as possible. And one thing Blizz really is good at is ignoring things.

But no. I don’t, in fact, don’t think they are doing that. It would be generous to call the evidence “slim”. And Blizzard is just too sure they are write and just too out of touch with their players.

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So a TV show getting cancelled and evoking emotion is part of the story telling and hence good?

But this option doesn’t wrap it up either.

The Horde is still responsible for all the terrible things BfA had them do. It’s just not as visible to new people.

Does putting tape over the mouth of your victims so they can’t complain any more really sound like the way to be a hero again? Because it sounds like the opposite to me.


They aren’t doing that how are they putting tape on the victim

I didn’t say it does! You’re the one who implied it should be wrapped up for the good of the Horde player, “so it doesn’t hang over them,” and you also implied (by quoting and responding to Elathaah’s post) that it would make Horde players feel like heroes. And I can’t see how it will make anything better for me/allow me to feel like I’m playing a hero again. Yes, of course I see how it will make things better for you, but that isn’t what I was talking about.


The official story was that it wasn’t the Horde or the Forsaken at all, that Rogues never even reached Astranaar ahead of time, rather it was the Night Elves that placed the corpses around Astranaar to lull the Horde into a false sense of security as a trap for when they got there.

It still exists in the game. It’s in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront Introductory questing:

It’s Stages 4 and 5 of the scenario:

    Stage 4: A Cry for Help

    • Investigate the screams

    Shandris Feathermoon says: Do you hear that? Survivors!
    Shandris barrages orc soldiers with arrows.
    Shandris Feathermoon says: Andu-falah-dor!

    Stage 5: No Elf Left Behind

    • Rescue the kaldorei prisoners and save Ash’alah.

    Shandris Feathermoon says: Sister, are you all right?
    Maiev Shadowsong says: We will tend to her wounds. Free the others!


no its being cancelled and no story is being told? how did you not see that as you typed that?

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But it makes people react.
So that means its good story.

Because I question any sort of hero that ignores their past of willingly going along with the horrible actions that BfA had the Horde do.

As I have said many times before, I am fine with the Horde player not having to confront this themselves. But at least let the Alliance wrap up the threads of all the other Horde members who followed Sylvanas and actively participated and aided the Burning itself. Then you can bury it.

I can’t tell if you’re confusing my requests with that of some of the other posters here, or you think the Alliance shouldn’t even get that kind of closure.

Because from what I’ve read, it’s sounding unfortunately close to the latter. And I would find that a pity, because there’s already few enough people on this forum that I can respect.


I draw your attention to this post from yesterday, then:


I actually find this stance sensible, but I have a bias here as being both a Night Elf Fan and a Horde fan and this expansion has been very hard on me because of that. Both groups I care about shoved into the dirt for a story I cannot fathom the rationale for. If I got the chance to meet w/ the story devs the first words out my mouth would be: “What the BLEEP were you thinking!?”


That was probably N’Zoth getting into his head. Actually, N’Zoth can be used to explain everything this xpac that didn’t make sense.

So, N’Zoth is just Tzeentch. Was it all part of the plan? Did we just hallucinate the whole thing? We’ll never know! Even if it looks like we won, Tzeentch’oth anticipated everythin’. Our mortal brains just can’t comprehend the depth of his plans.

I’m not sure why everyone is so upset, nowhere is it being retconned. It just doesn’t get mentioned in a new players experience because new players don’t even have access to the War of Thorns, it would just serve to confuse new players.

Anduin saying “Go to Kul’tiras and get allies” does not mean Teldrassil did not happen. I don’t understand why everyone on this forum is so reactionary.

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