NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

Oh, I agree with you on that front (I wanted more time to explore some of the islands and sometimes I literally do just that). I have agreed with you twice in this thread. It’s scaring me a little.

All roads lead to agreeing with me.
You just have to decide to take the long way or the short way.

Teldrassil wasn’t the cradle of Night Elf civilization. It was, like, 20 years old.

No one has ever given me a way that the Teldrassil storyline can be “wrapped up” in a way that leaves the Horde player feeling like a hero.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to find one. Maybe I could go back to playing my Horde characters then, because I really miss them. But the best anyone seems to be able to suggest is “recovering alcoholic,” and that is not an appealing fantasy for my recreational games.


Well, the assassin is clearly OK with it. “Technically, we don’t need to kill the civilians… but I like your style.” But, it should be noted that this also says that killing civilians is not part of the plan. And, of course, you also have to way in that the one place where orders were clearly given on civlians, it was orders to save them.

Your still here on the forums so your still paying for a sub so the term “quit” is being used fast and loose. And its not a marketing attitude its a literary one. Any story of it has the ability to make your cry, happy, angry, ect ect is a good story

Then what was?
Teldrassil was the place the majority of them went to.
Hyjal was a ruin.
Fellwood is a ruin.
Ashenvale is under constant attacks by the Horde or elementals.
Darkshore is a minor coastline.
Moonglade used to be their old base but it seems small.

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If it provokes an emotional response in regards to immersion with the story. This provoked an emotional response towards the writers, when you look towards the writer because the story is not believable that is not good storytelling.


With all due respect, balderdash.

“Cradle of [a] civilization” does not mean “largest population center.”

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The well of eternity is the cradle of all elf civilization thats where the trolls first mutated into elves

This self-serving assumption is wrong. I was playing Horde in BfA (you may remember Rixlee from these forums). I quit for over a year. I have come back to see if switching to Alliance for Shadowlands will make the game worth playing. (I wouldn’t have come back this soon, but the experience buff seemed a good way to level up this character, and maybe another Alliance toon, for the next expansion).

How is that boulderdash? Sleepless in seatle a great story also a sad one just like bou in striped pajamas. History x invoked rage and is another great story to claim emotional responses to stories that arnt happy endings is boulderdash shows allot of nievity

Not really wrong if your back is it as quit implies gone forever you merely took a break

Really going to try and spin this? No it doesn’t imply forever. I would hardly say that loosing a year of revenue is a success for Blizzard. And having people quit until the next expansion comes on the horizon is hardly a success for that expansion.

Was part of the story was not believable though?

Are you trolling? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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It really does you haven’t quit smoking if your still smoking a few weeks later have you?

Cheap shock value can provoke a reaction in the audience that doesn’t hold up when they have a second to actually think about the story later and realize that it doesn’t hang together.

You can also throw away a plot point in order to provoke a reaction but sacrifice the much bigger reaction you could have gotten by saving that plot point and building it up for later. For example, killing off Snoke in The Last Jedi. It was a surprising twist, and I recall actually gasping. But if they hadn’t done it, Snoke could have been built up over the course of three whole movies, and when he finally was defeated at the end of Episode IX, it could have been much bigger and more satisfying.

Grazzbèk also makes an excellent point above. BfA’s story only makes me angry at the writers. It didn’t make me want to kill Sylvanas because she’s super-duper-evil now; it made me want to yell at the writers for thinking that was a good use of what used to be a very interesting character.


But its extremely true to her character. They didnt change her up and make her evil out of nowhere. Nothing about her char was changed

Look, I’m not going to get into a debate about Sylvanas’s character. But I disagree that what they did with her was the best or most satisfying way they could have handled her.


Where on earth did you get the idea that I think stories aren’t good unless they have happy endings?


Your response to stories that invoke sadness, rage and other non positive emotional reactions was in your words bolderdash