NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

I still wonder what you’re trying to achieve other than wasting yours and others time really.

As soon as Sylvanas is redeemed you will immediately jump over and defend that instead, we both know that.

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no cause she is gonna die, your the only one who thinks she isnt other than forsaken players

she isn’t - but again it doesn’t matter to you because we both know you’ll defend Sylvanas and complain about Tyrande being evil and advocating for her to be killed off after Sylvanas is redeemed.

I’ve been discussing this in another thread on general with Rosenivy and she made some good points about shock value.

I think Blizzard realizes they made a blunder with Teldrassil. It was there for shock value to get people amped up for the “war”. It backfired. Players hated it. No one wanted to “defend” what happened to Teldrassil on either side, except people who meme’d up the tree.

The Forsaken in the latest 8.3 quests, under Voss, are moving away from Sylvanas. The Horde are moving away from Sylvanas. Everyone is moving away from her. Blizzard is even making it so you can’t be loyal to her anymore.

Blizzard may be looking at pinning this all on her and when Sylvanas is gone, then Teldrassil will be “her” doing and it’ll be a settled issue.


Wise decision.

They’re going to kill off Sylvanas to fix their mistake of Teldrassil. I doubt they wanted to do that since they love Sylvanas and there is a clear bias toward her character right now.

But oh man, they upset alot of fans with this Teldrassil thing.

That could be why they’re turning Sylvanas up to 11 and making her super evil. I watched a reaction video of some Horde youtubers to the Saurfang vs Sylvanas fight. These are similiar folks who cheered Sylvanas when she yelled “For the Horde”. When she killed Saurfang… they had a very different look in their faces toward their war chief.

One even called her a traitor when she said the horde were nothing lol.

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Yep. There is a complete and severe disconnect between the BFA announcement trailer and everything proceeding after. It’s very clear they didn’t know what story they were writing when they made that trailer.


No they won’t. They will redeem her and either say that Teldrassil was actually good or not mention it at all like they’re doing now.

Killing Sylvanas off for Teldrassil and Night Elf fans isn’t going to happen in a million years.

Mostly Night Elf fans, that was the point of the whole thing.

It’s all to bait people and surprise them when she’s redeemed. People now think that she’s evil so that the writers have a “good” twist when she’s actually not.

That’s the whole point of trying to sweep Teldrassil under the rug and making people forget about it, also making 8.1 the entire revenge plot so that Night Elf fans can’t demand more revenge against Sylvanas.

Since Teldrassil isn’t a factor anymore, Sylvanas’ crimes don’t even seem that bad because outside of Teldrassil, it appears that she didn’t do too many evil things. Gilneas for example is long forgotten.

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I can already see the “New Player Experience”

  • Wow, this Tyrande charcter seems very angry at the Horde. I wonder why.
  • Wait, what

So much for a clear storytelling


I agree for the most part. In an expansion being sold on being a faction war I expected several capitals on both sides burned and/or sacked. We were sold on the Alliance vs Horde in a full out war over a mysterious new resource that whoever controlled it would tip the balance in their factions favor. We were shown that Ashara was now on the rise while we were at war.We were also told that this was not going to be MoP 2.0. We were told that it was going to be morally grey. Turns out that was a lie.

What we got wasn’t a clash of the titans over Azerite and over the top destruction before the Naga swooped in as the conflict reset preying on the battered factions or even a cool environmental narrative where we had to stop our factions from killing the planet over the lust for this resource. We got pretty tasteless genocide narratives, two new continents that felt totally disconnected from the story we were sold and the evaporation of the fun of a fictional war game. BFA was a mistake and we were lied to.

I actually support reconning as much as possible out of the game.


Having done this as a Horde player what I got from my assassin companion was a quizzical look. Not condemnation, but hardly praise for it. There was no reflection on my choice when I turned in the completed quest.

I assume that you played the Alliance side of the Thorns campaign. Then you should remember that after you do your quests in Astranaar that there is a literal river of whisps flowing out from the town towards the direction of Darkshore.


Actually genocide was two times… Theramore and Teldrassil…


Thanks for posting the source. To answer your question, I didn’t pay much attention to the Alliance side.

Theramore wasn’t really genocide, the path of glory would be a way better example.


After blowing it up Garrosh and the Horde grabbed the survivors and took them to Orgrimmar to be tortured and killed.
Not many survived.

The Horde just loves preserving life doesn’t it?


That is a marketing attitude. But if they think making people hate your story as much as possible is all it takes, I think we can add it to list of bad Blizzard ideas.

I quit because of how much I hate this. I know others did to. I doubt Blizzard would call the a success.

Blizzard can also blame the poor mechanics but in honesty it was a failing on all fronts. I didn’t mind Island expeditions though as they did a small amount of worldbuilding.

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I think I did 5 of those in my entire BFA experience.
The whole “GOGOGOGOGOGOGO” attitude ruined it.

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Oh, if that’s the case then colour me wrong.