Nazjatar quest reward weapons

370 is a downgrade for me…but 415… I’m kind of glad I have something to work for, and I am not just starting off super powered.

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Glad I stopped playing 8 months ago. Upgrades for me!

My question: Why?

What’s the point of rolling it back to 370? What world-ending event would you stave off by showing 415 on the PTR, and then fixing the “bug” after everyone thinks they’re getting a slight bump into the new zone?

Do you honestly think Bliz didn’t notice their “bug” 415? They’re full of it.


Its for fresh 120s in 280 gear.

Thats it.

The end.


Because obsoleting weapon upgrades from nomal EP before it even releases by doing a 3 second intro ques is stupid?


I, for one, already know the topic of Taliesin’s next sh@# show segment this Sunday!

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I’m sorry, all I’m seeing here is “What about the people who didn’t prepare, what if they aren’t ready for Nazjatar?”

Which to that I say, too bad. You didn’t prepare, you get it rougher than those who did. That’s how it works.

415 may have been too high, but few players are gonna benefit from a 370. 45 ilvls is a very large gap for a “bug fix”.


What you don’t understand is people who are complaining about this won’t be getting heroic palace gear. I literally took 3 hours to do a follower quest earlier - that is how slow that content is.

I will never get gear there because I will not play in that zone. If they made it easier with a 415 weapon, I might try a bit more but nope. I am not wasting my time in there.

I can’t figure out how much game time I have on this but I have been transferring my gold and ah items to my main account and this one will lapse within a week or so I believe and my main account will be done in a month.

I might come back in 4 months or 6 months for catch up gear but we shall see.


I thought this was a progression patch for players that have completed the current content, not new content for brand new players just hitting 120…


The easier it is to farm tedious mobs for WQ for rep for Pathfinder the better the content becomes. Particularly if the WQ follow today’s model of being strung around the outskirts of the zone meaning wasting gobs of time riding and fighting worthless mobs.

Its Blizzard Psychology at work again. Hype players up about 415 weapon, rake in the subs, change said weapon and get people back on the endless grind machine. Always follow the money trail.


Its the opening quest chain, of course its for catchup.

The progression is:

Benthic gear to 425

Eternal Palace Raid

Mecha dungeon.

Mythic+ season 3.

Why do you want gear on par with normal EP for walking into a zone? in the most powerful slot as well?



Sounds like a ‘you’ problem.

If you’re not going to put in the effort to get better gear, then you don’t get to complain about not performing optimally in the new zone.

This is actually a good plan, they’ll be selling 440s from vendors by the time 8.3 comes out.

And then you’ll want a 465 weapon because the new zone is scaled for 450 and it’s too hard to not die.

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I don’t think difficulty has anything to do with the zone. It’s more tedious than anything else. Most things are fairly easy, a few things require a group right now but probably not in a few weeks time.

Yeah, not going to farm all the Benthic pieces to 425 via slogging around Nazjatar hoping for manapearls and getting Azerite shards instead.

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I’m waiting for flying and 430 gear before I judge that, it seems like it was designed with those two things in mind.

Even then, that’s an issue with the zone and not necessarily related to ‘giving everyone a mythic weapon lol’

As a side note, I don’t buy for a minute that this was a bug, but I commend realizing it was a mistake.

That is why blizzard deleted the thread on drop rates because it was just a me problem.

It is a me problem because I don’t have raid gear though.

No, I just will skip a whole bunch of content and wait for the gear reset that always happens. Then I won’t bother even buying the next expansion since it is obvious this Nazjatar bs was just another deception from blizzard thinking flying was good enough reward.

Who knows maybe I will actually find a decent game in the meantime.


So basically… they McForged?
Huh, nice to see that’s considered a bug!

no, you are throwing a hissy fit, nothing more, nothing less


Not upon release of patch 8.1. I agree though that gearing is out of hand.

We are also talking a bout a weapon here, the biggest item upgrade players really can get (outside of busted trinkets).
It’s not something you just get for free at raid level, guaranteed.

But what was proposed and expected was over the top, even based on current designs.

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