Nazjatar herbalism RMT spanish speaking syndicate

So I’m sure people have seen people sitting on the Legion druid flight form and flying around Nazjatar picking herbs. MOST of these players who are doing it hours on end are Spanish speaking gold sellers most likely from South America or some other area with a large number of low socioeconomic spanish speaking countries. They are either riding a druid and dual farming or a level 110 DH or other class with scout PVP rank. Some are horde, some are alliance. These people are defenitly not located in Australia or even America because they are CLEARLY lagging. They will lag when they are casting and you can tell they have a high latency.

THESE ARE NOT BOTS. These are REAL players and it appears the Chinese are no longer around. it is all Spanish speaking players on oceanic servers. You will see them roaming in a large group from node to node so they don’t get node resets. I frequently kill them with the dagger of n’zoth and I have received COUNTLESS tells in broken English or Spanish with abuse. I have had many of them ask me if I speak Spanish because they want to tell me something. Sometimes they will all gang up and attempt to kill me.

Please kill and report these toons for RMT(real money trading/gold selling). These are not bots, they are real humans and you are actually damaging their lively hood, causing them frustration and at least slowing the RMT slightly.

If you don’t believe me, feel free to goto nazjatar and witness all the Druids,demon hunters etc from amanthul,fm,barth and saregas etc.


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