Naxxramas Attunement is Now Available

shuddap nerd. seriously though, who cares if the npc is available early? why?

Clearly masses of people swarming the NPC on launch day is much better.


Nax needs to attune time Druidzilla. You got it backwards. I’m the final boss.

any chance we can get the rest of the Argent dawn quests and the pvp towers activated too?
Similar to how you split the AQ stuff in half.

Finally, bring on the good gaming (TBC)

2 years of TBC PVP would be amazing

I’d pay to see a warlock StunHeraldLocked for 2 years. <3

I hate to be the one to tell yea but uhhhh… Lock> Warrior in tbc for the most part.

And the poor hunters that don’t remember how awful pvp was for them. 45 minute drain games… Cringe…

LFM SCHOLO/STRAT UD Gauntlet - Need Tank/Heal - pst

my stormherald would like a word with you

I for one am excited about Paladins and Druids replacing warriors as Tanks.

Druids already replace warriors as tanks

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Anti griefing measure

I cannot fathom why blizzard decided to minimize the event leading up to the opening of Naxx. Do they hate fun and the natural flow of the game this much? Was anyone asking for the event to coincide with the opening?

I hope you get ur wrath but i just rather play tbc and stay there on a tbc server.

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I mirror your sentiments but replace wrath with tbc and tbc with vanilla.

I went to LHC and the Argent Dawn quests are still inactive. Are you seriously saying you only activated this one lady to click a button and get attuned? LMAO. You need to add all the catchup reputation quests for AD or there’s no point in even going up there…

If only there was some other way to get AD rep…

Not sure how i possibly could have gotten exalted.