Naxx Clarification

Will Naxx be ready to enter raid on Thursday or do we wait until after specific portions of the scourge invasion? I’m in 2 different raiding guilds and while 1 guild says be ready to go in on Thursday, the other is saying it will be at least 2 weeks out. Thanks in advance!

Raid opens Thursday.


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They will have Cake… PanCakes.

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The best kind, really.


Do they have any syrup without high-fructose corn syrup these days?

Real Maple Syrup is corn syrup-free. :maple_leaf:



Nice!!! Bring on the pancakes!


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Just in case it’s still not clear, Naxx will be available to enter at 2 pm pst on Thorsday.


The attunement quest is available right now in LHC. So you can complete the attunement and it will open on Thursday.