Naughty people only

Yeah i get it, i personally think that would be wrong to be suspended for. People are people but what can ya do, wonder if ill get suspended for calling people, people. In a completely unoffensive way but a literal sense of them being people. haha

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Hey, but youā€™re my carebear.


The system isnā€™t perfect, if you get enough people troll flagging you, I think it can lower your level, but donā€™t quote me on that.

Iā€™m right there with ya. No trust level 3 for me :disappointed:


So you can never get trust level 3 if you were suspended for a day?

probably not sorry pal

Thatā€™s what I read, but there seems to be timers associated with the trust levels as well, so who knows. Maybe after a hundred days or so?

This system sucks. So basically they made it for the goody tissues who nobody hates and wonā€™t flag.


Ikr but have no ragrets all the posts ive made have been worth it and fun


You mean to call this the VIP lounge ?

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Literally shaking right now. Iā€™ve been banned like 4 times since the new forums launched.:roll_eyes:


I suspect this is because thereā€™s less (actual staff) moderation. Previously, you would not have been suspended for what you claim you said. Now, a lot of this is automated or in the hands of the community. If enough people donā€™t like your post (flag it), I think the forum either automatically issues you a suspension, or some MVPs collectively decide whether you deserve a suspension or not.

Yeah. It sucks making those fun threads and then get silenced/suspended for 24hrs for ā€œtrollingā€.


Thatā€™s how it works, unless your dispute it the moderators will look into it then. Its saving money to automate the system.

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I havenā€™t on the new forums, but I may or may not have been banned for profanity towards vulpera fans on the old ones. Does that count?

lets see i got a forum ban (24hr) for telling a guy raging about Lizard Squad, to go and ā€œhave some personal fun time aloneā€ while waiting for the servers to come up, its not that big a deal. i wasnt even rude or anything, just made a suggestionā€¦

oh i got a silence in game after someone started an argument and insulting people for drinking, saying its alcoholismā€¦ i said yeah well preaching about it is a__holismā€¦ boom silenced 3 seconds laterā€¦

so yeah guess ill never get level 3ā€¦ im pretty broken up by itā€¦

U sound naughty so u r welcome here

its just a game forum lmao


i guess next time i need to lay on the sarcasm thickerā€¦



4 out of 6 threads Iā€™ve made have went 404 so Iā€™m 100% not getting that level 3 trust lol


Do people actually want these ranks? Have blizzard pet them on the head and tell them theyā€™re good boys and girls?

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