Nature bailed on the Night Elves

Technically we have Mountain Giants, too, they’re just down in Feralas:


Well, we fight alongside Dryads in Ashenvale in Cataclysm, Mountain Giants in Feralas, I do remember seeing fae dragons in Feralas too alongside the Mountain Giants. Chimaera just didn’t have a model before now. This is just from the top of my head and I never did the Vanilla zones.


This whole expansion is a giant gallery of easy conveniences to advance the story.

Dont think too hard about.


Well alright, way to prove me wrong. Guess I must have forgotten all that or something.

Now if only they, along with the Sentinel army, the Wardens, and some demon hunters could start showing up together consistently.


I think that’s the crux of the issue. Night Elves fight alongside Dryads in one zone, Ancients (though not the really powerful ones) in another, mountain giants in a third, but they never really come together into a cohesive whole. So, it feels like Night Elves were purposely hobbled (which, to a certain extent, they were, so that they could fit into a faction, instead of continuing to stand on their own two feet).

Edit: Iirc, they’ve even outright backtracked a bit, and said some of the Night Elves’ WCIII allies just kind of spontaneously came together with the Night Elves because the Legion invasion was a big deal.


That was only part of the case, as I recall their nature allies were also devastated. An with the added fact they probably see themselves above the mortal conflict, a good chunk of their nature allies probably don’t want to join the fight.

That is the point! No one can stand alone. Need I remind you Stormwind once was able to fend off the Horde all on its own back in Warcraft 1, until it couldn’t and had to get new allies.

I’m not entirely sure Stormwind is a great example of a people being hobbled. They maintain priority in Alliance military endeavors by having the largest military, but, despite being at the fore of almost every post-Third War Alliance engagement, they never suffer any population losses, or other negative effects of war, except that one time in Westfall. Even now, they’re simultaneously desperate enough to conscript farmers, but still maintaining Alliance military prominence, and leading the Alliance to be within weeks of victory.


Yep those forces of natue are around and aiding the Night Elves. Thing is …nature has been taking a pummeling with the Legion… and Deathwing and the Blight and all and those forces are reduced compared to what they used to be… but when the Alliance has it’s victory turn you even start seeing the trees regenerating.


I am not willing to say realistically the wild gods wouldn’t help and the other forces of nature were AWOL. I think that came down to Blizzard decided Teldrassil was going to be a site of mass murder of genocidal proportions and they were willing to bench anything that would argue otherwise. Even Malfurion was defanged to a degree in the fight with Sylvanas/Saurfang; we saw his actual speed and strength in the Terror of Darkshore cinematic; there is no way he would of just bluntly taken an axe to the back.

Benching stuff to further a narrative is just something Blizzard does, like how the Vindicaar has conveniently ran out of gas instead of using orbitial bombardments to pummel the Horde into submission.

Had the Wild Gods been there Sylvanas would of just killed them, so… yeaaah.

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Poison Ivy would beg to differ. Her obsession of Nature’s power has really given her a huge change on each iteration. From anti-Hero to straight up villain. The matter is how Nature is presented against these threats.


Everyone at this point should be out of soldiers considering we have a world ending threat everg year or so. I think the point is the losses are more or less evenly distributed over all the race and humans breeding like rabbits means the losses are still less felt by Stormwind.