Nathrezim Horde Reconnections

Oh, Joe… I lent him a bunch of gold in Wrath or Cata and he never paid me back. I actually played with him and Cam a lot (Gabrielxx) and raided BWL in Apocalypse Now with Joe, Keone, Darkenrhal, and all the others. I have him on Real ID and I still play with one of his RL friends who he treated like absolute garbage at the time. Not planning on reaching out to him personally.

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Vav - Orc Shaman - Myrmidon Legion & Months Behind

discord: vav12345#3334

Hizzealer/Troll Priest - Fun times back then


Yaahoo/Troll Mage from Months Behind, Fallen…

Hello! It’s been too long. The guild I’m in chose Faerlina as our server…unfortunately. I do not want to be on the Streamer Server…but oh well. Which server are you all planning on joining for classic?

I wish I could get SiN back together…

Was his RL friend Pallymally? I remember he was KoS just so we could hear him whine on Vent. :slight_smile:

In all seriousness, that’s that’s too bad. I think I remember Gabrielxx – Tauren war/sham, yeah? Keone, Darkenrhal, Gravewalker, a few others ring a bell as well.

Zeddicus, were you a mage and in Professional/Apoc Now?

I’m rolling Fairbanks/Horde since I knew Whitemane was going to be pretty packed. I think all the current servers will stabilize at launch in terms of population. There are a lot of people that haven’t subbed yet.

Lol he was one of the first *buds i’d met in wow and started playing with regularly. I remember his voice was a little odd but we were both tweeners so I probably didn’t sound great either.

I was an Undead Warlock in Apoc Now. I started out in SiN, but there was some unnecessary drama that broke up the guild.

Hey Zed, Your name is one of the few i remember from SiN. I played illninja and Guinness. I had to leave for a few months and when i came back at the end of 2006 SiN didn’t seem the same when TBC started. Sucks to hear it was over some drama.

In other news someone find me Tokro. I had more fun playing with him than any other time in WoW.

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Morgzan. Resto Shammy. Madness/Sanity. I remember both you and emokag

I remember PVPing with you in ML PVP Premades. Morgzan. Resto Shammy here

I recall Tokro doing god’s work in STV, keeping us safe from those dirty allies.

Mijo - forsaken holy priest with Reunion guild
Zenith - Tuaren Enhance sham I just messed around with

Hey, this is Toots. i was a fire mage. Currently still in touch with Bizaroquin and Arling. Not sure if you remember them. Also, I’m looking for Phasmatis.

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Name: Toots
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Guild: Legion of Doomhammer

PS. In contact with Arling (warrior) and Bizaroquin (hunter)

Name: Arling
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior (fury mostly)
Guild: Wolfbane Clan, Legion of Doomhammer, Myrmidon Legion, Months Behind.

Man it’s good to see some of your names. It’s been way too long everyone. It looks like we’re rolling on grobbulus. Still playing today just over on dragonmaw right now.

Which server do you plan to play on during Classic?

Me and the new crew are playing on Herod

Checking in -

Espritusanto - UD Rogue
Thanthos -UD Mage

Played with my wife; Abdera UD Priest

Guilds: Fallen; Malice; Months Behind

Can only remember the GM - Zenedar (very angry Japanese fellow, but a good guy) and Rogue named Mooker. Others ring a bell, but its been a long time.