Nathrezim Horde Reconnections

Mother f***ing Lardyboy!!! You better not ninja my [Bone Slicing Hatchet] again this time!!! <3

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Sarazi, Forsaken Priest. Strength in Numbers, Served, Game Over, Fallen, Months Behind, Sanity


Hi Holyfire and Chipmunk! :slight_smile:

Name: Drexlor
Class: Troll Rogue
Guild: Theafers

I play Barhop in on Area 52 right now.
discord: drexlor#3955

Hey Buddy! Drexlor here :smiley: discord: drexlor#3955

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Amairgen, Resto Druid, Apocalypse Now is the only guild name I remember, can’t remember what it was before we merged with half of Dark Apocalypse.

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Running Eyeless / Running with Scissors - looking for Fargix, Cerith and Lianne

Gam - Undead Priest - I was in a raiding guild that was led by a close family and eventually fell apart when drama happened after a MC raid? Later I would join Dark Apocalypse around the time of the first Nefarian kill.

Mooky - Tauren Feral Druid

My father is also planning on playing again. He was PrimusHex an undead warlock PvP Rank 12 or 13.

Anyone feel free to add me Wrathraker#1423!

I was in your guild in those days, I either was on my orc hunter-Rocklobster, or my undead rogue-Bartil. been a long time lol

Name: Obliviana
Race: Undead
Class: Priest
Guild: Ataraxia

Tenaka-Undead Rogue guild: We Roll Hard

DarthBob- Undead Mage

looking for Mursalius -Tauren Shaman

also wondering if Lanpher is still fat


Orc Warror

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Still Kaeljin. Troll Mage. Guilds were Sanity and Pain Bringers

this isn’t Andrend from Pain Bringers is it?

Good to see you are still out there. Had some good pvp grinds.

-Swathi (tauren warrior)


Trina - Dwarf Hunter
Idonodmg - Human Paladin.

I know this is for the horde side re-connection, but just wanted to put this on here as well.

There’s a Nathrezim classic reunion discord up for those who want to come chat with some old peeps.


Oh snap! Whats up Zed? I was Hectoar - the UD warlock that decided to drain soul Vael while we were prepping up for the next pull. Good times man.

Tabula, various mages. Rerolled a bunch :\

Block#8169 - Looking for people to play with! :slight_smile:

dude, hit me up! Sent a friend request on discord.

<3 Klassiks. Let me know if you need pocket heals. (Other post was on an alt, disregard).

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Hurro - Troll Shaman
Guild - Mixed Nutz Inya Mouf, then They Still Inya Mouf.

Problem or Trelani if you see this hit me up.