Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)

One could argue it has. The Night Elves have been largely missing from a lot of the events. It is certainly possible that the writers have simply set them aside. Or it can be argued the lose of population, weakened infrastructure, need to rebuild, etc have all limited their ability to play a part in the larger world.

And what we do have from them since has been defined by what happened. Even going forward into Shadowlands they are defined by that event. So, yes it has had an impact.

If you are just referring to players not being limited. Of course they have access to the story. That will always be the case, even if from a story perspective they really wouldn’t be all that involved.

It was at Blizzcon. They talked about designing it in a way that let both sides get their share. You can see it pretty well in the way it was set up. Both sides get their punches in.

And I think that would have been fine, if it had also been true with Teldrassil. It is the discrepancy between the events that created the problem.


Right, so you have nothing. You’re making stuff up as usual.

This is you taking things personally.

Yes. Because it is part of that revenge stuff you keep whining about.

This is you making stuff up again. Not a single source says Nathanos can “come back anytime”. This is one of the many reasons people are saying you and your ilk are being unreasonable.

So, your head canon is irrelevant.

No one said this is all you get.

  1. Denial <---- You are here
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance


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what game are you playing

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Kind of like the Horde for the entirety of Legion. Or the Draenai space ship that is MIA.

My other point being that population numbers have never mattered.


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You act as if there wouldn’t be a meltdown regardless of what happens.


Why are people expecting to make nathanos cry for his life?

The dude went to the most obvious location so that he would be killed while at the same time killing a bunch of heroes.

Tyrande killed one of the villains most responsible for telsrassil.

Sorry he just dies and goes to the maw like everyone else instead of being obliterated from the story… I guess?

When he explicitly says that’s what he wants so he can Netflix and chill with his bae, can you understand why fans are letdown?


Yeah, the whole expansion should have been designed in a way that let both sides “get their punches in.” To this day, I don’t understand why they didn’t do that. It seems like it shouldn’t have been too hard.

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His bae abandoned him and he’s desperately trying to get her back. You can hear the scorn in his voice when he says “she’s with him”

He’s dead and died a simp. What more do you want? He’s pathetic


This I give you, but only in a tweet, not in game.

A contested territory technically under the control of the Cenarion Cirlce.

A contested zone that has just as many Horde bases and Alliance bases.

Confirmed via the book to still be under the control of the Cenarion Circle, they are just allowing Tyrande and such to stay with them.

Technically contested but I will give you this one, all signs point to it being majority night elf controlled.

A contested territory, so much so that there is currently an active thread debating who actually controls it in this very story forum, with no consensus in sight.

Ashenvale yes, but it’s also littered with horde, it’s been contested since the game launched, and this has never changed. Azshara is 100% goblin controlled now and has been since the end of MoP.

Well now that we’ve done the tally properly leaving Night Elves controlling 2 zones, neither of which is actually depicted in game(only in lore), ummmm, almost all of them?


I don’t want to meet you guys. I want you to suffer.

I’s not like I think that any repercussion a horde player woudl aggree with would be remotely suitable or even comparable to what you have done.
It has to HURT you. Then we have a solution that is remotely compareable.

I’d say somewhere around the time this was posted by one of the level 10 Night Elf posters when they appeared out of nowhere en masse.


to be fair I doubt any of the level 10 nelf players actually play nelf most of them dont even know the story

Night elf power fantasy is left unfulfilled because Nathanos wasn’t scared when he got no skilled.


I said “canonically,” so game mechanics like “contested territory” don’t apply, which is your basis for dismissing most of the territory I listed. I also was talking about holdings, not just zones. That means things like villages and whatnot scattered all across Kalimdor. Also, I don’t think you have been to Azshara since Cataclysm. Still plenty of Night Elves there.

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The gnomes never been relevant, the dwarves and worgen never been relevant but the Night elves get at least one zone dedicated to them in every expansion and it’s REE THE NIGHT ELVES HAVE BEEN MISSING FROM A LOT OF EVENTS!!!

This is the crap that gets mocked


A single person posted something stupid everyone! Let’s vilify ever other person who even looks or talks even slightly like them, and make conflations that if one person said it, they must all be like that!

Wait, I feel like I’ve heard about something like this before…can’t quite put my finger on it…


Thrall, Baine, Bwonsamdi, Shadra, Hir’eek (who I have to waste time saving). I’m sure Calia pops in at some point. Along with ancillary ones like Draka, Kael’thas, and Sylvanas.


But the events do. Even if you don’t know what the population was to start with, the losing an entire city and surrounding area with a quest designed to highlight just how hopeless it is has an impact. Sure the writers can just magic population out of nowhere (which is a whole different discussion), but the loss was designed to be felt. It does have an impact.

I agree. I would even add that it should have been the philosophy for far more than just an expansion. It should have been that way for all of Garrosh war. It should have been that way for all of Sylvanas war. And victories and defeats should have been shown for both sides.

Well, you have clearly not played and/or followed what is going on in the beta. You should have a nice surprise waiting for you.


Bro it’s literally a horde symbol, they made the land into a horde symbol. How much more canonical does it need to be?

Also your argument still fails, all those zones you listed have Horde villages and fortresses as well, which is why they are contested.

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Blizzard created the shadowlands expansion for the sole reason that Tyrande could get her revenge, and thus kill nathanos.