Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)

I think Tyrande’s power level in this scene is a failure on the storywriters’ behalf to tell a compelling tale. The High Priestess doesn’t come off as a bad a–, but more like an edgy Mary Sue. Her power should’ve been toned down from the beginning, to allow for growth later on & throughout the upcoming expansion while retaining real stakes in conflict for scenarios as they appear.

If the rest of Shadowlands is to be like this cinematic (and the story trailer released last month), my hopes on the expansion possessing a compelling narrative are sinking faster than BfA’s subscription numbers (before Classic launched, anyway).

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You put down every person who wants more than the absolute nothing we have gotten regarding Teldrassil. Whenever there’s a comment regarding wanting something more to come from that, you appear and put them down. Not every time true, but close to. And Again, I don’t understand why you simply can’t read and move on.


I’m entitled to post my opinions just as much as you are. Don’t like what I have to say? I’ll tell you like I’ve told the others who tried to shut me down, don’t respond to me if you don’t like it.

I’m not beholden to you or any other NE fan.


And i’m entitled to call you out for how much of a knob you are. I too am not beholden to anyone.


Except Teldrassil wasn’t just a city, but an entire zone that is gone now as well. Same cannot be said for Tirisfal Glades, it’s still there, and like you said, likely back in the hands of the Forsaken and Horde.


You’re entitled to your opinion. And I admit I mock certain people on this forum, something I always been honest about.

The longer this thread goes on the more I hope for a Sylvanas redemption so this place gets burnt to the ground in the ensuing riot.


I got the salt mine carts ready. I kind of want to see the sh*t show once Blizz pulls a…well something regarding Sylvie. We know no matter what happens, the rabid NE fans won’t be happy regardless.

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nobody has to feed it. reminder.

you can talk about tyrandes muscles instead.

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With the relaxed limitations on transmog, I don’t see why it couldn’t work like Legion Artifacts and go over any existing weapon. Just change the class restriction to a race restriction.

Also, if the Night Elf Heritage Armor isn’t my beloved metalkini, I wouldn’t mind a set based on her plate-robe thing.

The counter-sentiment is every time I see a comment like this, I hope five more Horde characters bite it over the course of SL, just to see yet more of the whinging.


Counter Counter arguement. I see posts like this, and I wish Sylvanas really was sucessful in wiping out the NE :gift_heart:


Well this got mean. When did Night Elf poster become an insult? I do a lot more than complain about their treatment and frankly resent being attacked like that. Can we not respect each other?


Of course not, they want to complain about “tribalism” while participating in it themselves by othering you and anyone else who disagrees with them. Why would they respect you or anyone else when they can feel superior and not see the irony in their own actions and words?


That would require there be Horde characters in Shadowlands.


I’m chill, i can only judge the story when it is done, and clearly won’t be the case until way later.

Malfurion was locked in the nightmare for 3 expansions.

Gnomes still don’t have gnomeragan.

Moira’s kid is still a baby.

Lili didn’t get a new model despite being a young adult at this point.

The Teldrassil and Tyrande plotline is moving foward, and for that i’m glad, and i’m excited about the current events


bro you just gotta come into video game forums like these with the attitude that its a den of bastards, pimps, backstabbers, hypocrites, liars, poisoned souls, privileged trash, trolls, narcissistic maniacs, giggling hyenas, etc, and some i assume who are good people. then you’ll be okay :v:


But you know what often gets overlooked? Undercity was destroyed by Sylvanas, who we now know never cared about the Forsaken. She manipulated them into picking fights with the Alliance and then carelessly sacrificed their home after moving her base of operations to Orgrimmar. She betrayed them. As bad as it feels to lose your home to an enemy, imagine how much worse it feels to lose it to your leader betraying you.

Also, the Night Elves lost one zone in lore only. Setting aside that they can still access it at any time, they still control a ton of other territory. They have a presence on every west coast zone in Kalimdor, canonically control Darkshore, Moonglade, Felwood, Mount Hyjal, Val’Sharah, and probably Winterspring, and though there are a lot of questions surrounding Ashenvale, in-game both Ahsenvale and Azshara are littered with them. What other playable faction has that many holdings on Azeroth besides humans?


Tyrande could do it without the Night Warrior buff.


I mean, everything she did in that cinematic, she was already capable of doing before she got the Night Warrior powerup.


when eleasan started making there hourly threads of blizzard hates nelves