Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)




It only sucked if you’re mental health is linked to the alliance and hordes geo political status with each other


Not for Sylvanas fans. The good times just keeps on rolling for them, and will continue to roll as she eventually gets redeemed.

Oh well. As long as she stays far away from the Horde, the devs and her rabid fanbase can have it.

We did, And then we lost that advantage when our navy found it’s way to the bottom of nazjatar. Also, does every lvl 10 have to be eleasan to you?

The later. But why do you think I want the Alliance to stomp over the Horde, when i’ve tried to say that I wanted both sides to inflict damage on the other, if we had to have a faction conflict.

Because the Mandalorian is good fun.


Talks like eleasan posts like eleasan probably is eleasan


Granted, it’s a small sample size, but the only forsaken fan I know of who’s still enjoying Sylvanas is Deathisfinal, and she’s just treating it like an extended wrestling event for funsies because she doesn’t think it’s worth getting too invested in the game’s story.


Do you see a lot of happy Sylvanas fans here?


This is cope if I ever saw it

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It had a few good things, Like Iron Horde joining the horde.

The problem was a difference in mind set.

The WoT was designed to have the Alliance on the back foot and retreating the whole time. The end was designed to have a large emotional impact with the failure to save but the smallest fraction. It was purpose built to make the Alliance players feel desperate and hammer home the lose. Lordaeron was different. Blizzard stated their goal was go give the Horde and Alliance an equal amount of cheer moments. Their goal was to be have it end neutral. This seems to have been because they wanted both sides to start the expac with excitement. But…

When you have back to back events where the first is designed to hurt one side and the other is attempting to just be even the end result is NOT even.

How did you put those two sentences together? Let’s look at what is shown in game. A mostly Horde controlled Ashenvale. A warfront in the formerly Night elf territory of Darkshore. A charred stump as an ever present reminder. Now what is not shown in game? The Night Elves back in control of any territory.


My mistake, how did it turn out story wise?


Nope, as soon as this cinematic came out which was a hollow victory for Tyrande, Horde players (including you) immediately went on about how Teldrassil is resolved and how Night Elf players are unjustified in wanting more for a resolution.

Enjoy having your race in the setting without it being in ruins, and a genocide against it being seen as heroic.

In the story? Yes, because the story is about how bad they have it, how they are never going to get any justice or revenge, and how their souls have to be killed in the maw now.

Have you ever played or watched the Ardenweald campaign? It’s even foreshadowed in the pre patch that she’s dying.

That doesn’t change anything about the fact that Tyrande got all the revenge she was going to get already, and we also know that the only potential target for revenge is Sylvanas, but Sylvanas got away and she’s innocent according to blizz. The faction war is also over, and killing the jailer as revenge for Teldrassil? I don’t think I need to explain why this doesn’t work.

  • Bringing Sylvanas to justice
  • Getting the lands back we had before BfA
  • A new home
  • Freeing the souls from the maw and potentially reviving them so night elves aren’t near extinct anymore.

All of those things were completely denied. I guess we could still get our lands back if the Horde decides to be generous and give Ashenvale back, but Teldrassil would still forever be gone, and those souls that burned in it.


Ashenvale is the same as it was in cata so where is this horde control?

I don’t know why you’d take an outdated zone from cataclysm as a reference. Lore wise, the Horde most likely has it still, either that or it’s contested.


Just to be the spiteful prick of the discussion, when can we start the Sylvanas redemption parties? I got my salty tear collector ready.

Quote my post saying it’s resolved.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

EDIT: Just checked the first 100 posts in this thread. Yeah, you’re wrong again. What I did see was other players, yes even Night elf players, saying they enjoyed the cinematic and what it meant.

Still there. This is you taking things personally.

Tyrande killed Nathanos. That’s part of it. You’re in denial.

Have you completed the expansion? You are assuming.

That’s what you keep repeating about 8.1 and yet we have this cinematic where she is actively getting revenge. Again, was she killing Nathanos for fun?

The story

Is still ongoing.



Depends on if you mean what we surmise or what we know.
We have been told, not shown, that the Alliance won Darkshore warfront. So, we know that.
We surmise based on some guesswork and what we think should be that the Alliance mostly or completely controls Ashenvale. Though there is not really confirmation.

Also, we surmise that the Horde likely controls Lordaeron and the surrounding areas again.

So, in the end story wise:
The territory lines are likely exactly what they were (or close to) before the war started. Both sides have lost a city. Only the Night Elves have also lost much of their population.

But again, that relies on guesswork. Not what we have been shown.


first you say game and now your saying story lol, pick one

probably happening

already happened

blizzard said this is happening

happening in two weeks