Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)

And lordaeron showed the opposite. Which is what i’m talking about. Holding out against the Horde at Teldrassil? Great, if you ignore the outcome. Being made fools out of at Lordaeron and being denied payback? Awful.


It’s full of comments telling the cry babies to chill out. Even other night elf posters see the value in this cinematic. But your NEFPA blinders are on.

The entire Horde.

Tell me, what exactly can you not do as a night elf player that you could before the WoT? Are Night Elves still in the story?

Yeah, your favorite race isn’t going anywhere.

Head canon

And hunting Sylvanas, but you keep ignoring that.


So, she just killed Nathanos for fun?

Nothing will be enough for you and your ilk. You don’t even know what enough is.



OK. So you don’t want story balance, just the Alliance stomping Horde out of existence.



The cinematic is definitely more satisfying for Alliance/Night Elves knowing that Nathanos is at the Marris Stead due to his failure to get rid of Bwonsamdi during the events of the Shadows Rising novel.

Tyrande sending him back to Sylvanas having failed in that objective again will hopefully help her to alienate him more due to his continued failure to perform the given task.


No, not at all. Have the horde put up a valiant defense at Lordaeron with the Forces they can muster at the location, and ultimately have them lose, and their city destroyed. A mirror of teldrassil so to say. Both sides are then blodied, but eager to dish out more pain on the other, instead of how lopsided it became.


That’s exactly what happened.

You had teeth in the WoT and every other battle save, maybe, SoL. And that is bothering you apparently.

You don’t want balance.



Do you have any idea of how unsatisfying battle for Lordaeron was for the Alliance? We didn’t win it on our terms, while the Horde did win Teldrassil on theirs. Or atleast that is how it’s depicted in game. Lordaeron was an extremely pyrrhic victory for the Alliance, while Teldrassil was a significant strategic victory for the Horde, if not a moral one.


You think it was satisfying for Horde?



Wait what? We were going to hold the tree, not burn it.



You got to lure us into a trap that almost killed our leadership and massacred our army. A hell of a lot more than we got for Teldrassil.

Yet by burning it you crippled the Night elves, and allowed you to set up a warfront in Darkshore. Again, a hell of a lot more than we got in Lordaeron.

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Basic nerd cultism, where it’s not enough to enjoy a piece of media, you have to have it tattooed onto your soul and memorize its eighty-seven thousand psalms and verses and collectible action figures, identifying which books are holy and just and which are blasphemous and damnable.
Ideally you also cultivate a satan and a saviour in there too so you have someone to uphold as the icon of all that was ever good about the franchise and another to deride as the hand of evil on earth.

We killed no one of significance at SoL. We lost Saurfang to the Alliance and the division in the Horde was front and center. It was not a good thing for Horde.

How was that shown in game? Oh yeah, they got their lands back. So much for crippling them.



Who was later released anyways, free to do as he pleased.

In an out of game Tweet. We don’t even know if this includes Ashenvale, or any other night elf zones.


The Worgen say hi by the way.

You mean free to start the second Horde Civil War.


We DO know that horde didn’t win any battle outside of the WoT.



I agree, even though the talks of interactions are limited I believe Blightcaller.

The evidence is stack up against Silvermoon.

Kael and the Farstriders didn’t like him. Likely because they were isolationist that weren’t fond of humans.

“Sylvanas was always championing him. Kae—er—some—were not keen on letting a human train with the Farstriders. Myself included.” - Halduron

Sylvanas likely turned down Kael and chose Blightcaller; and she personally bucked against him to support Blighcaller:

Even by high elven standards, the second of the three Windrunner sisters had been a rare beauty. Lords from countless noble houses had sought her hand. Even Prince Sunstrider was said to have desired it. - Dark Mirror

"For millennia we have isolated ourselves from outsiders. I will be the first among us to admit that mistakes were made in the past. Humans should never have been exposed to magic. I will not deny this but I will not condemn us to this guarded existance for the blunders of our predecessors. There is much that a coexistance between the Quel’dorei and other races of the world can bring. We must practice tolerance.

It is with these words, then, that I deny Kael’s request in regards to Nathanos Marris. He will prove to be an invaluable ally. Mark my words. " - Sylvanas


And absolutely none of our victories mattered. Battle for Dazar’alor only drove the Zandalari straight into the Horde, with the loss of their navy being irrelevant since ours sank above nazjatar a few months later. In the end, we couldn’t even win against half of the Horde, so we had to ask the other half for help. We gained absolutely nothing from winning those battles, and even lost blademaster Telamon.


Ummm we knocked the hordes naval power out of the war

Oh level 10 worgen eleasan strikes again

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Well, which do you want?

A meaningless victory or series of losses?


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This is dumb.

The Fourth War was garbage tier for everyone.

It was garbage for the Horde because Blizzard wanted the Horde to find itself again after being laid low by an “evil warchief” again and triumphantly stand for honor and did a absolutely terrible job at doing that and instead succeeded at doing nothing but making Horde players of all kinds feel miserable.

The Fourth War sucked for the Alliance because once again they ended up playing the Krillin to the the more developed Horde Finding Itself Story, and they thought just sticking Alliance victories would count as character development but instead just made the Alliance feel impotent after Teldrassil and miserable throughout.

The Fourth War and BfA sucked for everyone. Nobody had a monopoly on Blizzard giving them a terrible time.