Narrative Elements as Reflections of Blizzard's Culture

It was Christie’s idea to make Calia undead. She mentioned this on Twitter.

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I haven’t heard about this. Do you have a link? I’m curious about his exact wording.

To be clear, I don’t think they’ll ever do this. I just think they should.

It’s Blizzard you know if they do something to change the public perception it’ll be pushing Calia and Jaina into the spotlight as a new power couple that don’t need no man. Maybe literally if they also want the LGBT crowd.

Maybe the undead part was her but I thought the initial pitch of “hey Calia is back after the priest class hall, why not get her more involved?” came from that youtuber Taliesen. That’s what I’ve always heard anyway, I haven’t cared enough about it to go fact checking.

I’m not really sure. It’s something I’d have to contemplate for awhile to give you any kind of satisfactory answer.

Generally speaking, though, I’m okay with the story through Legion. After that it becomes very difficult for me to enjoy it due to the Night Elf story and the way events unfold around Sylvanas.

But as much as I don’t like the Night Elf story, tossing it all away would feel like all the duress from it would have been for nothing, like some kind of humorless joke to have at the players’ expense. I’m sure there’re ways to salvage a lot of what’s there in Battle for Azeroth, changes that could be had. (Maybe this is some kind of sunk cost fallacy, though.)

I liked the troll characters Zekhan, Rastakhan, Talanji, Bwomsamdi. (Would have liked to see Rasta for more than 5 minutes.) Bring back Saurfang and Thrall into the Horde and have them do more than just pay lip service to ideals and/or die valiantly for them. I liked the Alliance questing zones, too, and felt the non-mainline stories therein were enjoyable. Keep those as well.

Though I’d be much more okay with us never having gone into the afterlife.


I always felt Sylvanas’s concern with reproducing was a crude allegory to some sort of insane barren spinster who might carry around a doll or a dead animal and treat it like a child.

And Tyrande hasn’t had luck in that department. And the Dragons can’t. Blizzard has been a bit obsessed with barren wombs.

But again, it just seems like WoW, Blizzard, and Gaming in general have a that sort of mindset.


Whenever I think of Alliance Bias being a real thing, that’s the only way I can make sense of it: if we take the Alliance to mean Stormwind which in turn means Wrynns.


I just want to say this once more.


Thank you.

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That won’t stop the opportunistic psychopaths on this forum from blaming every single story shortcoming on this.


He apparently said that to Golden and reminded her that Calia was around. Then Blizzard sent her the list of requirements for things to happen in Before the Storm, which included someone turned into a Light Zombie. Golden then went to Blizzard and said, “Can I make Calia Menthil the one who becomes a Light Zombie?” And now we’ve got … this.


I suppose not. I was naive to believe they finally understood Blizzard after one small taste.

I mean… Blizzard’s horrific internal culture absolutely did have an affect on the final product if this tweet and a few others I’ve read today but can’t find are an indication.

I do agree that anyone using these allegations as a tool to push their personal pre-existing lore-crusades forward is definitely gross.


Just saying, a common response to criticism regarding WoW’s poor handling of sexist, racist, LGBT and other themes in the Warcraft story is often, “So you’re trying to accuse folks at Blizzard of being sexist/racist/homophobic?”

So I guess this answers that question.

By which I mean the answer is yes. We’re all capable of doing things that are sexist, racist, homophobic. It’s not all about who you are and how you feel “deep down”. It’s what you do and what you let go by unaddressed that allows this stuff to happen.


So more fantasy racism.

The trouble is that it’s hard to filter out the complaints that are sincere from the complaints that are using the social issues of our time as cover for something unrelated because they think it makes it less likely people will argue against them publicly.

This isn’t exclusively a WoW problem either, it’s pretty much all internet discourse nowadays.

Personally, I’m tired of this having to be litigated and relitigated endlessly in what seems to be literally every single discussion forum on the internet. Not because I agree or disagree with any particular cause but because I’m just so tired of the expectation that I shoulder the burden of all the world’s injustices in every single endeavor I’m a part of including my video game recreation.


Nothing happening now is anything people haven’t been talking about dealing with in society in general, and the videogames industry in particular, or Blizzard specifically, for decades.

It’s not that people are only just now raising concerns about unequal treatment. It’s just that it’s only recently that such treatment is being brought to the fore so people can’t claim to remain so ignorant or continue to benefit from it so easily.

We don’t have to individually shoulder the burden of the world’s injustices. We can do that together and lighten the load significantly.


I think you are like the only person who wants to see him alive again… for some weird reason.

Zul was always written as a villain, even back in Cata and MoP. He can stay dead with his Old God wannabe.

Just because he was always a villain that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve a better story. This was the man who walked hand in hand with Queen Azshara, was the voice of the Old Gods whispering in the ears of the King of the Trolls, who had the gift of prophecy and demonstrated nigh perfect precognition to the Horde player on more than one occasion - and then he died screaming like a loon for no good reason to try and release a giant grin worm from under a temple that had already rotted out the heart of Zandalar.

They kind of just threw him away after years of build up. I can understand if someone wants it to turn out there was an even larger or plan or for it to turn out the person we killed wasn’t even the real Zul or something like that.


Would it really have been that hard for a multi million dollar company to seek out an expert in Afro-Carribean accents?


“Hey we’re doing some characters with a sort of Jamaican themed accent. We want it to be authentic, but faint enough that it’ll be easy to understand for audiences unfamiliar with the parlance”

Or hell just look to their own base for Afro-Carribean players. Sure there’d be plenty of people happy to throw their ten cents in.