Narrative Elements as Reflections of Blizzard's Culture

I am not denying that, but I am denying being idiotic enough to think that the entire dev team is a bunch of Afrasiabis.

He approved Danuser’s ideas.

Wait, what?

I think we’ve gotten our wires crossed. I don’t think for one second that this is on one person. I think it’s due to a toxic workplace culture that got off on demeaning, harassing, and abusing women employees, whether or not they consciously realized that that’s what they were doing (though it boggles the mind to think they didn’t). That isn’t “one guy “ thing. [Edited to add: I probably should have put that in the present tense. My bad.]


Well idk if my point came across but basically.

Blizzard story is bad because Blizzard are bad at doing the story justice

Blizzard loves swinging the villain bat. We worked with Yrel in WoD and saw her seeming to try and move past the Iron Horde… and then suddenly in BfA she’s just another case of “religious character gets fanatical and tries to convert everyone by force.” And they might do the same to Turalyon. Lame.

And worse, unlike Zul, they had no build up as villains. In fact, Turalyon is so far moving away from fanaticism (telling Anduin to let the Light guide him but not command him) and is not dogmatically devoted to the Light given Turalyon’s love for Alleria is so strong he stood up for her against a Naaru, despite Alleria dabbling in the Void.

Well…I would think that, in light of recent events, Blizzard would be well advised to refrain from telling another “former victim female character going crazy and genocidal” story.
Or at least, handle it with a LOT more nuance. Your Yrel might be safe for now.


I hope so. They villain-batted Yrel during BfA, maybe they could use their love of retcons for good for a change.