Name taken... enough already

Or you could come up with something unique. There are plenty of name generators out there if you need help.

I personally use whenver I’m stuck for a name.


hisses and makes a warding sign with her hands


Let’s clear this up for you so you understand what’s changed.

Previously you only had to log into your active wow account once every 2 expansions. Now you only have to log into your bnet account once every 2 expansions.

Also prior to 6.2

Patch 6.2, players could not use a character name claimed by another player on the same realm . As of Patch 6.2, any characters that have not logged into the game since December 7, 2010 became available again.

That’s how I lost my DK alt’s name, 6.2

However now, You don’t even have to play wow anymore, just try the new CoD every 2 years with your bnet account. At least before you had to log into WoW

As another example, here is a link from a reddit thread from 13 years ago about how names were able to be freed up prior to policy.

As far as viewing an “official policy” you’re going to likely need waybackmachine, archive, or search for name release policy

The threads linked where Vrak clarifies it is now bnet account activity btw, nobully started it for another thread I started about the finite names in game. I’ve been dealing with this naming thing for awhile as I’ve followed it for my relevant interests.

However, I don’t agree with the updated policy of “bnet account” activity. They hosed me after all these years.


Thank you :slight_smile:

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YES, let us have first and last names!

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They would lose the considerable amount of people who buy every expansion and return every launch, but go dormant in-between. The current system of letting names be freed after two expansions is fairer to everyone.

The option of one space, hyphen or apostrophe is better. Not every race uses surnames. And some races have cultural naming conventions that use apostrophes and hyphens. The three choices gives more freedom.

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The current system should go back to having to log into WoW once every 2 expansions to keep the names, not play CoD on that bnet account once every 3 years.


Apostrophes, hyphens, and using caps in the middle of names would help a LOT. I’d love to give a Troll a name like Da’halla or a Human a name like McDaniels or a Gnome a name like O-So-Little.

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I wish I could find this humorous, and I do agree with it. But check this out. The Mods appear to have taken away my ability to post links, and pics, and all of this happened without a single infraction. Has the same vibe as the shady upvote / downvote manipulations, that went on back in the Anti-CRZ threads of the MoP era. …As for the reason? Well I assume it to be ‘because’ I share a name with someone on a completely different server.

I mean never mind that I’ve used the name since BEFORE WoW in Tabletop as a backdrop for countless RP adventures. Nope. Another guy is supposed to have total priority on all servers apparently and apparently feels they are allowed to copyright a specific name, which for the record is something none of us plebs are allowed to do.

I mean, I would know. I’ve lost other character names in the past and has Blizzard returned them because I had seniority on them? Why no. As a matter of fact, every time I asked they have refused to return those lost names because someone else snagged them while they were free.

Yet even worse? Often the people that snagged those names were folks from my server, who did so with express intent to impersonate and slander. This is something which if you look at my avatar and my post history I have made extremely clear is not, and never HAS been my intention.

I mean I ignored the other dude and never post in any of his threads. So really… What’s like Blizzard expecting of me here? Delete my character simply because some rando on another server got offended? That seems pretty biased.


that didn’t happen at all.

Discourse changed how their software works.

there’s no conspiracy.

Ok. :ok_hand:

i have used that and tried the name it gave, the name was taken.

I’ve been bussin’ to get a hold of few good names for a while. I miss when you could put a ticket in and request a name and 99% of the time you got it.

I remember when I had the name Varian way back in Classic…

It was good to be the King.

Yes, nothing like putting in a ticket a mod approving a name change for an active account then telling the owner “LoL sorry you outta luck bruh” Then someone else pulling the same crap. It is good they ended it.

Revert the policy to “WoW account activity” instead of “Bnet account activity”.


I’m afraid I come at this problem not understanding it. Is Blizzard lying about freeing up character names? That’s a strange thing to accuse them of without knowledgeable proof.

More name variants would be good, beyond just the name of your server, sure why not? But if people are losing out on good names like ‘Leroy’ or ‘Toonces’ is Blizzard lying about their time to become unassigned, or is it just “someone else” other than “you” that already picked up the name?

Maybe people with good names are more likely to stay subscribed than those with Legolas-plus-umlaut?

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They aren’t lying about freeing them up, they just moved the goal post so it’s less likely they will ever free up now.


No, they are not. They free up the names on accounts that have been inactive for more than 2 expansions. They do not give a set day or time that will happen to prevent name speculators from trying to scoop up what they think might be popular to sell for gold, troll folks, etc.

No, the mods did not target you and take away your Trust Level 3. The forum software DID get fixed though to deal with a long term bug. Anyone in the Beta group has permanent Battlenet account wide TL3 without having to meet the requirements. They had it on every character without having to visit for X days, read Y posts, give Z likes, avoid getting suspended.

TL 3 is supposed to be per CHARACTER that you earn it. Making a new alt means it is supposed to start at TL0 and will take at least 100 days to earn TL3.

It is now working as it is supposed to work. There have been quite a few threads with explanations on this in the past week or so since the fix.

With regard to the current naming structure. WoW has all the data stored in a database that is hierarchical - I THINK. Your character name structure is charname-server and all the data is associated with that - as are a lot of settings.

Changing that is an overall architectural change to how WoW saves and associates data, I think.

I am not sure how easy that is to change for a game that was built that way from the ground up.