Name & Shame

Just thought we needed a name and shame thread.
Here’s mine: Vancraft, Dwarf Priest on Arugal. At the end of BRD, with 3 people in the group on the quest to save Moira, he told us he does not give a F about us and needs to kill her for her gloves. This is classic griefing, as it was not stated at the start of the run.

Avoid Vancraft, dwarf priest on Arugal Alliance. He will waste your time.

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I was one of the three who had that quest. I made the dungeon group specifically to kill princess for the BiS gloves. If you wanted to save the princess, next time make your own group and specify that you want to keep her alive. Don’t be too salty

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So why not say so at the start, instead of snaking it right at the end?

Because it’s assumed that we kill her, if you wanted to save her specifically then it’s you who should have specified at the start. Then you could have found another group instead of having a cry on the forums

Just because you say that, doesn’t make it true. Especially when you have people specifically on that quest.

ehhh unfortunately, you’re wrong. There is a reason why you see people saying BRD quest runs or BRD emp runs, emp includes princess =/

Honestly, the fact that we were there for that reason wasn’t the issue. The issue was that, instead of calmly explaining his position, which I would have been fine with, he decided to just pull and gogogo burn her down while the rest of us were just confused. Dog act. If he had simply said, “sorry, I organised this run with princess loot in mind” then I would have been accepting of it.

I agree with Vancraft. You are in the wrong. Always double check, communication is key. Fall in love, not in line!

sixinch you sound like a lil btch, name n shame lol

Of course communication is key, that’s what upset me. If he had simply said, “Hey, I’m here for princess loot, sorry.” It would have been fine. What was said was, “F- you, go make your own group.” Then he pulled and killed while I was confused by his vitriol.

bugg off back to retail