Name at least ONE thing you like about TWW

I love the story so far!

I also love how blizzard arranged the main quests to give you what you need to know, with additional stay and listen’s to expand it, but put most of the exposition in side quests.

Liking the gear so far.

Delves seem great!


Some of the Elite specs are giving me great story beats to explain them on my toons…




I love this idea, thank you.

I’ve enjoyed some of the new factions, namely the Kobolds. Chive is my personal favorite side quest so far and Skitter was too cute. Learning about this trash mod that’s been around since level 5 of vanilla for most has been cool. Turns out their was more to them than “You no steal candle.”

Also, skyriding has been nice, I just completed the Pathfinder last night but still only use skyriding. The zones are sprawling and beautiful for being so far under the planet.

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They finally fixed spark acquisition.

No more mandatory rep grinding for sparks.

Warbands, talents, flying at launch.
The dungeons are funny and I like them because they are filtering bads. Bad at sky riding? Welp you hate Dawnbreaker. Bad at mechanics, positioning and afraid of the dark? Welp you hate Darkflame Cleft. Bad at letting someone else lead and taking directions or bad at leading others? Welp you hate City of Threads. Irrational fear of spiders? Looks like you hate Ara Kara. Bad at moving your feet? You do not like Priory then.

Too funny.

i love my mushroom hat mog!!! (on my main account)

i love the hero talents im having so much fun playing with them all

i love how alt friendly it is i have many toons max lvl full honor gear

i like bg blitz its gonna be rly great


Glad I bought a token. Even the cheapest of new items were an upgrade at 70, Id would have had to go backwards post the lol-lvling. I’m enjoying myself.

General Anub’azal is my favorite NPC.

“I know you’re alive. The question is, are you useful?”

I really have enjoyed the questing experience. They’ve added a ton of great things to it that are at minimum new to me.

The Ringing Deeps and Hallowfall are amazing zones.

City of Threads outdoor zone feels like Suramar 2.0. (Though the dungeon is hot garbage)


No, it isn’t.

I’m not going to defend rude people, and the solo dungeons we have now aren’t that objectionable (and was actually useful on the beta). But at it’s roots, this isn’t a single player game; essential to the foundations of an MMO is that you do challenging stuff with other people.

To do otherwise is kind of like playing chess without taking turns; you’ve basically made it into something else.

That said, it’s your 15 bucks a month, so you do you!

Also, some of the models (including that First Ascended model), are some of the cooler mob models they’ve made in the past 3-4 expansions.

yeah…it is…and im putting you on ignore now…

show some damned respect son…

dude had 50 people he COULD have started foaming at but again homes DIRECTLY in on me somehow

Oh nooes!

If you think that’s foaming, or you’re somehow being picked on, the problem is with you.

Good luck, though.

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as i said before the trolls started ruining your thread…

I’m giggling at the ‘show me some respect son’

thats fine…flagging every post thats trying to derail here.

Some people have been so “picked on”, in life and online, that even polite disagreement (which is what happened) can feel like an attack. Now she’s rage flagging.

Oh well. Whatever makes them feel strong, I guess.

Since we’re listing stuff we liked, I’ve noticed PVP has been… good enough, I guess, to be cautiously optimistic about the upcoming season.

Definitely enjoying it all.
I rarely watch all the cutscenes but these have been interesting enough

and also do it retroactively.
I have old mats I REALLY want to get onto alts to craft with

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I love those “stay around and listen” moments.

And I admit its a tad funny when people rush thru the story, don’t read anything, don’t actually listen to the characters, and then complain.


I hate dawnbreaker because its confusing, not because I’m bad at skyriding.

WE haven’t seen the ethereals, in large numbers or a settlement since TBC. whats up with that?

What’s confusing about it? I picked it up the first time I did it on normal.

You run up, get on the ship, fly off it to 2 other ships, fly back. Engage boss, fly off when she does explosion like VanCleef in Deadmines, fly back, repeat, she dies. Put bombs on the bug boss, dodge green wave. Fly down to each mini boss, kill them, fly to bug, kill bug.
I messed the order up, but whatever. Literally just follow the tank.