Name at least ONE thing you like about TWW

Hallowfall and azj-kahet are the best zones they’ve ever created imo.

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Watching people come to the realization that they’re bad while screaming over Tier 4 Delves and how they’re “elitist content”, I believe is the phrase I read last night.

For real though. I’ll say Zone design. I think this is my favorite Zone design since Legion.

The only pet I’d consider using is the slug from the elder god.

Skipper pets?

Is T4 suppsoed to be that hard or something? T3 aren’t really difficult, honestly. Then again, my main a few heroic gear pieces and those rep pieces. plus a few good weapons. One of which came from a t3 delve.

Hey’re basically mudskippers hunters can tame- you can see them on wow petopia. I can’t post links but they’re hilarious.


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They classed as Frogs / Toads / Hoppers


Me when I realized you can use Garrote outside of stealth now. I was doing such bad damage not knowing that. Then I read the tool tip for the first time since Vanilla WoW… Embarrassing!!! :woozy_face:

I had to take a moment after that one. It went hard.

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that the one with the earthen that forgets they made a thing right after they made it because they were low on power or something?

Tell me that have the Mortal Wounds debuff.

Sadly, no. But they CAN be used for soloing.

Correct. Went hard.

MEh. I kind of glossed over it as I have AAP auto accepting prompts for quests.

I did get a kick out of the fish thats not a fish quest, though.

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Sorry homie, you missed out.

Alts are a thing, though.

Why would I do it again on an alt? I have hte option to lvl however now, on alts.

On a side note, I am halfway to being able to turn into a fish person.

Its not Dragonflight

I’m glad I don’t have to wait a year for regular flight.

Oh, I AM glad I no longer have to dismount to mine ores. So, that’s a thing.

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Hero talents, delves, the zones, the dungeons, new mechanics, and world quests. The only thing I really don’t like is how stupid fast and easy leveling is.

It was nice to see folks getting emotional during those quests.

No matter what kinda person we are, it’s just nice to see the vast majority of folks understanding dementia freaking sucks.

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