Naked prot warrior completes +20 COS.... seems balanced

Mythic shield and weapon probably scale crazy good for them.

Meh, willing to bet half of you couldn’t do this.

While it does take some bit of skill to run a 20 (which is probably a 5 for that guy lol), it’s over hyped when he’s got BiS in all the important pieces and not truly naked at all.

I still credit the healer

The fact that this guy has no idea what he’s talking about, no idea what’s going on, and still just continues on…

Bless his heart

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So, typical forum user.

Damn, monks are broken AF, too. What a weird coincidence that it’s also on Court of Stars.

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try naked bear.

You’re whining about a tank being too strong. There isn’t anything more that anyone needs to know.


My favorite part about you is how good your avatar goes with your posts

Don’t look naked to me if that toon still has a neck, trinks, weapons and rings on.

Plus, wasn’t there a paladin in BFA named…well, can’t do it on the forums, so I’ll just call him “Tyrannosaurus Rex” that soloed Mother in Uldir?

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My favorite part is how you seem to forget that this is always how it is. One tank or one DPS or one heal is OP and everyone cries and cries. Eventually Blizz nerfs it then another tank or DPS or heal is OP then and everyone cries and cries all over again. It’s nothing new. So right now it’s Prot Warriors. They’ll get nerfed. Then it’ll be another tank you can cry about. It’s like a dog chasing its tail.

Wait, so no complaints unless a half gearless warrior can solo a 20+?

Hate to break it to you but they had M+ in legion. Legion was first expansion to have m+. WoD previous expansion was first expansion to have mythic dungeons/

-Still has 50% of gear on.

-One of the best tanks in the world.

Impressive, but not really game breaking imo.