Naga commanders dissapearing/not there

Yesterday I had an issue with not being able to see any of the Naga commanders when they were up. I made a post about it already but to summarize, as soon as the announcment was made in chat I checked my map and saw that there were none shown. I then went to the are where I have killed one of them before and there was none.

That brings us to today (approx 11:00pm on Senjin-US) I heard the announcment while in Mezzamere and qwuickly jumped off the ledge and glided towards the one that is in the middle of the map. I landed and ran towards it only to watch it dissapear from my map right when I got close enough to visually see it. I thought “no way they killed it that fast” and got closer but no boss nor anyy other players were there.

I decided to go back and try to get to a different one in time. As I was leaving the area the commander popped back up on my map so I turned around to try and see it again. Of course the same thing happened anmd it dissapeared again. I am not going to play naive and pretend I don’t know what the issue is here because I believe it is problem #1 with this patch (and if you took a poll I bet most would agree).

The sharding in Nazjatar is the worst thing to ever happen to the game in my opinion. I can’t blame what happened yesterday on it but it definitely is what happened today. I am losing out on important manapearls and rep that other players are still recieving while I lag behind. In the spirit of gaming how is that fair, not only to me but to all the others that this affects ?

I can’t turn on warmode to see if that helps because the event only happens with it off (or I can’t even zone into Nazjatar because the uneven sharding in WM has the horde literally camping our portal and insta gibbing anyone that comes through and then repeatedly when they try to revive.

I am sure there have been tons of posts about the sharding and people not being able to collect items that are right in front of them or rares dissapearing in the middle of battle. Side story, yesterday I found mirecrawler all by myself in some cave. I managed to kill him and saw him die and his name turn white/grey and his biody sparkle. As soon as I tried to loot him he vanished and I got a big fat goose egg for my troubles.

I think that you should offer some kind or compensation for all of these times that not only I but most likely everyone loses out on hard to get loot that sometimes takes very long time to work on getting. That or at the very least fix this issue now. It wasn’t like this in the other BFA zones so why is it here in the new zones ? I really hope that somebody there at Blizzard actually reads this because I am not trying to flame or troll or anything of the sort. I am simply trying to convey the frustration that I as a customer and others like me have to deal with in order to try and enjoy the game that some of us have been playing for over a decade.

Things like this never happened long ago so why now when technology has evolved so far are things like this happening. The opposite should be true and technically speaking the game should be better not worse.

Anyways if a blue poster does actually read this long post please will you at least respond just to let us know that someone out there is listening even though it may not be aparrent. It would help a lot of us to feel a bit better knowing that our voices are being heard and this issue is being looked into. Also if you feel that his post since it has turned into what it is now belongs in a different forum please either let me know or move it for me. Thanks

TLDR: Please fix the sharding it is casing all of a lot of grief !

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Naga invasion thing has happened to me as well. Nazjatar is the troll zone. It trolls you constantly like a mirage in the desert

Yeah right at the area where murlocos cave is there is a huge shard boundary or whatever you call it. Literally just moving around and things dissapear/reappear. But the things that happened those times to me were a lot more than just that area doing that.