Naaru make a poor cosmic threat because

No, he is a character who have grown.

Probably because A’dal didn’t agree with her

You’re in denial, this is unproductive.

That’s your theory. In the story it’s unaddressed and a plot hole.

No, I just enjoy good storytelling, and you do not.

I really don’t see how it’s bad writing for Xe’ra to be how she was depicted. She was intended to be that way from the start, and never deviated from that.

It’s bad writing because there’s poor foreshadowing, a lot of plot holes, sloppy execution or wasted potential.

You’ll need to elaborate because I legit see none of those issues from Xe’ra.

One example; Why didn’t Xe’ra tell the other Naaru in Outland to not kill Illidan given her plan for him? Naaru can communicate over vast distances.

No guesses or theories, where was this answered in the lore?

Fair enough. I can’t answer that.

How would you write a bad light naaru, then? While keeping in mind that the zealotry is supposed to be a feature.

I’ve got more, but I’ll save them for the relevant thread.

I wouldn’t have a bad light naaru as a jobber - especially not Illidan’s jobber - for one.

I’d probably go a similar route to Imperius from Diablo where they hate humans, gnomes and dwarfs due to the role the Curse of Flesh had in making them, as that originated from the Void. That can open the door to them either being redeemed or needing to be killed.

Well, you said the Wild Gods weren’t considered as important as the Naaru, but on the cosmic Chart they share the same point of relevance, equivalent to Old Gods and Titans. By that, I agree that there is some kind of power discrepancy in that chart.

Then again, if we look at the Titans they’re not exactly faring much better? I mean, the entire Pantheon was wiped out, had their souls hunted down, and were being tortured to be reborn as Sargeras’ pawns, with one having already succumbed.

Honestly, I think this the major beings of any cosmic chart end up coming off as untarnished.

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In a comic book setting like World of Warcraft? Probably as a Death Star analogue. Just floating around in space, firing light lasers, and destroying entire planets, and all life on them regardless of those souls being good or bad. The justification would be that only beings of the Light are pure, good, and free of corruption, and all else must be purged until there is only the Light left.

Aren’t the Wild Gods of Azeroth animals or beings empowered by the Titans? In that case, I wouldn’t put them on equal footing with them. For example, Archimonde was able to kill the Wild God Malorne after a fight, but he wouldn’t be able to take on a Titan. Malorne is one of Azeroth’s stronger Wild Gods, if not the strongest.

You’re not wrong about the Titans, I did consider that. I figured there were mitigating factors like Sargeras being their strongest warrior, using Titan kryptonite - Fel, he killed Aggramar with a surprise attack when Aggramar tried talking instead of fighting and they had wins to balance that major loss.

I mean even then, the Kyrian Archon was brought down by a single stab wound, and the Primus got locked up in the Maw.

They were fighting a fellow Eternal One, the Jailer (who was possessing Anduin in the case of the former, but it was still the Jailer’s power).

To be fair, I think the Archon was downed a bit too easily too (between Xe’ra and the Kyrian Archon, maybe Blizzard’s writers just hate angel-themed characters) and I’d like to know how the Primus was defeated.

Apparently I was wrong according to friends. My lore knowledge is not great. I am trying, though.

How were you wrong? The comment you linked was correct.