Naaru make a poor cosmic threat because

Being hated by a fanbase has nothing to do with narrative purpose

You literally said “she was written to be hated”, why walk your words back now?

She does not. She can not.
As was stated, she was a character created specifically for the purpose she ended up in. There was no room for plot holes or character inconsistency.

Primarily nothing. But I understand what they wanted to do with his character, I understood it since WC3, and I hated watching what happened in TBC, where it seemed his character was just… not a part of anything, and all we did was just attack the Black Temple where he was sulking. His story-book remedied that, and gave a deeper look into the events of The Burning Crusade, Illidan’s actions and his motivations. I liked that as a better representation of his character.

I actually feel like that blizzard learned from this, storywise, as shown in Wrath of the Lich King. We did know that the Lich King was a bad dude, but Blizzard learned to put their villain front and center here, the Lich King had a hand in almost every event throughout Northrend, which was a cool addition that we sorely lacked in TBC in regards t o Kael’thas and Illidan.


I literally never have
Being hated doesn’t mean they have to make them a raid battle

She can and does. I WILL write a thread listing them. Just because people like or hate something doesn’t mean that it isn’t poorly written or doesn’t have plot holes. Twlight, 50 Shades of Grey and most of Michael Bay’s Transformer movies are both poorly written and popular.

The fact that Blizzard had to literally rewrite Illidan’s story multiple times shows they did something wrong.

I would love to debunk it.

They have not rewritten his history.
They added sorely needed information to it.

There is a difference in retcons.

There are retcons that just adds information to past events, details.

And then there are: “Oh, draenei are actually eredar, and not just those wrinkly-looking MFs in Outland.”

Xe’ra’s death was still bad-fanfic-tier jobbing. Liking it doesn’t change that.

Will you be honest and not claim guesses and theories as fact in your debunking?

The rewrote it at least twice. For one, in Warcraft 3 he joined the Legion because of incel reasons; magic addiction and his crush rejected him. That was retconned to him taking it on himself to be a double-agent against the Burning Legion but he didn’t tell anyone else. Then the second retcon mixed the first retcon and the original lore.

Retcons are retcons, call a spade a spade.

I never guess.

That was not retconned. He did join the Legion in War of the ancients, with no specified reasoning in the past aside from him just wanting power, which he was granted in the form of his vision. In Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne we saw him joining up with Kil’jaeden to destroy the Lich King. He failed and hid away in Outland. It was not rewritten. We later had added information that he used the souls thing (Not Forge of Souls) to convert the Legion’s demons in Outland after his failure.

Nonsense. There is plenty of scorn to go around.

One can say the same thing about Jar Jar Binks. Not all Gungans were that annoying. He was written to be cutesy but it was annoying and he became a joke.

Is it right to blame the writers and the company for making JarJar so grating? Sure. That doesn’t mean we have to be nice to Jar Jar because he is truly innocent and it was just those mean writers who did him dirty… No… we can still dislike JarJar.

People can blame the writers and also dislike the portrayal of a character. Not even sure what you are trying to say - you seem to treat Xera like some entity that exists outside of the lore, and Blizzard got her wrong. No - they invented her for their lore, and many people were glad to see her get blown up.


The fact that you go into a denial about a literal retcon after I cited sources doesn’t give me confidence in your assessment skills.

What retcon?!
I just told you there was no retcon.

Illidan’s actions in the War of the ancients, in WC3 or even in TBC were not changed. If anything, we were just given more information. In his own story, we are even given more incriminating evidence of his involvement in TBC, unlike in the game itself (Which was a huge mistake).

You saying “there is no retcon” is like the Dai Li saying “There is no war in Ba Sing Se”. Another retcon to Illidan’s lore besides the first;

Previous lore stated that Sargeras burned arcane tattoos onto Illidan’s skin. World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3 retconned them into fel tattoos.

I’ve got more examples, but we’re getting off-topic. They didn’t need to job a Naaru to prop up Illidan.

Oh my god.

Hopefully they are better than such a minute, irrelevant little detail.

They’re still two of the retcons. Liking retcons doesn’t mean they aren’t retcons. Several of his actions and motives in Burning Crusade were retconned in Legion.

Who says I like or hate it?
It is just such a minute little detail that has no relevancy whatsoever.

I don’t think it’s bad writing for Xe’ra to intentionally be written as annoying. She basically had one character trait, which was of a blatantly faulty single-minded vision, and the character stayed consistent in that to the end.


There’s more, but that’s off-topic. They didn’t have to throw the Naaru under the bus to prop up Illidan.

How was she intentionally written as annoying? We’ve seen other characters do worse or be single-minded and not receive the same level of scorn. For example, Sally Whitemane had a single-minded vision in life and was beloved by fans. You’d think Xe’ra was Gallywix for all the scorn she cops.

Au contraire, she needed to go and by Illidan was the best possible storytelling. The one guy she upheld as the child of prophecy, the savior, because their once shared the same single-minded vision, should indeed have been the one to destroy her absolutely. Poetic justice and all that.

Sally whitemane was only liked cause she was hot, the only people who genuinly liked scarlets were deus vult larpers

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I just love this video, it is hilarious to me.