NA pvp fresh discord

Join the discord for the upcoming NA PVP server for FRESH Classic!
Discord at over 7k people as of the second edit


Whose selling data that you guys are trying to run every discord


I made the mistake of joining that discord and looking at chat before putting on a hazmat suit.


It could be that someone starts something and people join.

You could always make your own and out compete them, if you think it could or should be done better.


I’m pre-banned I tried to join and got the banned message so it’s not a new server. Just Soy Department smoking their own frumunda cheese again.


Imagine getting banned from that discord server.


Too based for soy departments leadership.

does anyone have a different one? I don’t want to join this one

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No one is going to join your sus discord.

you ok? there’s literally 5k people in this discord. it’s the official fresh pvp server

If its the same PvP Discord they posted earlier, that is the worst moderated cess pit I’ve seen in a long time.

Is that the kind of community you want to foster on this server?


It seems like a guild discord that was renamed, as someone mentioned above.

Definitely doesn’t have the same feel as other server discords I have joined in the past.

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Someones forgotten the community thats chronically online on vanilla discs

Less censorship is good

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The guild recruitment section is comical. All loot council

lol wood dep

no thanks

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Have you met habitual classic fresh players before?


Edit: discord changed with server name announcement.

6500~ people

What is up with so many people being unable to deal with differing opinions. It’s so weird.

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They say a discord right before launch can tell you how the server is going to be…
a bit like a…magic 8 ball.
i have personally, never seen such a toxic discord server…

this fresh is goona be awesome.