[NA] [PACIFIC] <The Last Prophecy> Seeks CE & AOTC Raiders & M+ Pushers - T/TH & W/F 8-11 PM PST

BumpZ0r$ to the top again!

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We only have a few spots left in our Mythic team and are now looking to backfill spots missing from our Heroic team!

We really need a Havoc DH (that can also offspec Vengeance) that can fully understand the complexities of that class, bring decent DPS, and raid buffs. Also a 2nd priest that can effectively switch from Archon/Oracle Holy AND Voidweaver/Oracle Discipline for raiding. And we especially need a Frostfire/Spellslinger/Sunfury Mage! These are the high priority spots for us to fill.

Currently setting up all the M+ grind groups with a lot of folks that have offspec tank/heal capabilities to roll into the Mythic tier raid ASAP!

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almost gametime

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New required classes for our Mythic team to replace someone that unfortunately had some emergency family health issues.

Adding the need for a 640+ iLvl DPS Warrior in addition to what we were still missing above.

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