NA Horde newbie LF casual guild - eventually raids

I am a new player, completely new to WoW, just levelled a toon to 50. Going through Shadowlands at the moment and looking for people to play with/speak to. I’m new and am very confused about a lot of things but just looking to have some fun in game. Looking for a guild or maybe just a group of people :slight_smile:

IGN: Magorc - [Uldum]
BNET: Iodoform#3344

Would like to speak to you.
BNET: raregeneralk#1679

Hi Aghragorr! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!

Hey Aghragorr! If you are still waiting on the right fit, I’d love for you to consider Dedicated and Medicated Gaming. We are a newly formed alliance guild looking to fill out our fun and friendly environment. I see you are horde but if you are willing to consider, alliance, please think of us.

As you didn’t mention what type of content you are interested in (probably because you are learning and exploring), here’s what our guild is working on:


Many of our players have alts we are leveling and gearing in our off time. Additionally, we have recruited a few other brand-new and returning players who are leveling and gearing. As our founding members have lots of experience, we’d be happy to help explain things while you learn what you like to play and what content you’ll like to do.


We are building up our roster for raiding. However, all our founding members have earned AoTC and plan to keep this going for 9.1. Although we are not quite ready to pull mythic, our core members have done mythic raiding last tier and we were 3/10. We do plan to push into mythic once the roster is full and the team is ready. Our raid times will be Sat/Sun 8-11pm EST. There is no spec requirement as we just want people to have fun playing what they love best. Our raid roster has DPS and Healing spots open if that interests you.


We also run M+ nearly every night. The current keys we run/push are 0-17+. Several of our members have earned KSM while playing with us. Our founding members all have KSM.


You also do not have to join our guild to play with us. If you want to feel us out as a community first, you are welcome to do this too.

If this sounds appealing, here’s our bnets and discord:




Meega #11302